The Big Day

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Chapter 10 Page 49

He left the room and closed the door. After that, Luna sat down on the chair in front of her, exhaled deeply, and muttered,

"Oh my that scared the shit out of me!"

"Who are they, I wonder?"

After Red and Luna had dinner together, she raised her voice and questioned, "Who were those people who came into our room earlier and why the hell did they open our door that way."

He started to say, "I can explain," but Luna interrupted him.I was afraid of them.

It was so impolite of them to barge in on a woman who isn't even dressed for the occasion, Red and I were gasping for air."

"May I explain now?" Red asked as he sat down. After shaking her head, Luna answered,

"Yes, I suppose."

"They are here to ensure that things get done around here as they should so I can spend more time with my family," Red remarked.

"Oh well, maybe they should learn some manners and learn to knock on doors before they just walk in," Luna replied, looking up from her dish.

With a small smile and giggle, Red responded, "I know, my dear, I talked to them about that."

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