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Chapter 11 page 54

She replied, "I want to see her but I don't want to get out of bed. I am too weak and hurt," after Red had kissed her head and they had started chatting about the baby.

"I will be right back." Red declared. After that, he left the room and quickly came back in his arms. Their infant was in his arms.

Luna grinned as she looked up. She took their baby from Red, who seemed to be staring at her non stop as she held her in her arms for what felt like a whole day. Rose had enormous green eyes, crimson ears, and thick red hair. She was the most exquisite infant. Red then gave them both a stunned expression. "I am so happy I can't stop looking at her," Luna exclaimed as she looked up. She is flawless.

After dinner that night, Luna glanced at Red and said, "I am wanting to go for a small walk through the garden but that is if I feel better tomorrow. I am sorry about not going today." Later that night, the Nanny arrived to take Rose to her nursery. Taking her face in his hands, Red gazed into her eyes before saying, "Okay, my love, but there's nothing to be sorry for—you weren't yourself, and that's okay."

Dawning early the following morning to the sound of birds chirping outside their room, Luna got out of bed and made her way to the patio door, where she saw Red standing. Reaching behind him, she hugged him, and he turned to face Luna before giving her a quick kiss. After giving him another kiss,

Luna replied, "Good morning, my love."

"How are you feeling?" Red asked her after giving her another kiss, and

She said, "I feel much better today. I am really hungry."

He laughed and added, "Well let's fix that let's go my love." The two entered the room and sat at the small table and there was a plate of food 

for them on the small table in the area by the door of their room. He took it and placed it on the table beside the chairs, where they took a seat to eat.

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