Some place safe

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Chapter 2 Page 12

as Red casted his gaze down to the table. Red murmured, "Luna's mother was killed," as he gently raised his head.

Red then spoke again softly "Along with her sister's that evening."

Rocky stood up, and let out a big sigh before swearing "GOD DAMN IT, GOD DAMN THOSE DAMN HUNTERS."

Red got up and said "I'll let you be," to Rocky. "I'm going to check on Luna." Rocky then shut the cabin door behind him as he left.

Luna was sleeping in bed. But she could hear Red and Rocky conversing, when she heard Red bring up her mother, She opened her eyes, sat up in bed, and started to scream,she then heard Red enter the room. Luna soon curled into a sleeping position. Subsequently, Red entered the room. Took a seat next to Luna on the bed, slid to his back, and Luna rolled over to stretch before laying on Red's chest and pretended to sleep once again.

Red raised his voice and asked "Luna are you awake?"

After Luna shook her head, Red felt something wet on his shoulder and realized what it was. Subsequently, Luna raised her gaze to meet Red's, who realized she was crying. He got up and began pacing the room while flinging his hair and weeping. Luna sat up in bed, staring at Red while she continued to cry, and then quickly wiped a tear from her cheek.

"I'm so sorry, Luna, I really am. I didn't want to tell you what I saw. I didn't want you to have to see your family like that."

Red sobbed as he instantly sat down next to the bed and placed his head in her hands.

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