Wedding Planning

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Chapter 9 Page 43

Red remarked, "Come love, let's get you out and into some clothes, the doctor is coming,"

as he bent down to grasp her hand after noticing that she was clutching her stomach and sobbing and screaming in agony.

The doctor went into the bedroom and found Luna seated on the bed, her hand tightly gripped around Red's.

"These are contractions," he declared as he rushed over to examine Luna.

"I have to check to determine if this is a false labor or if you are actually having this baby right now."

After making sure everything was in order,

the doctor replied,"It's not time yet, one you are two early, and two I will give you some medication for your pain." You have to take rests and not venture out on foot too quickly or too far. Luna shook her head and the doctor left.

Luna fell asleep as she lay beside Red.

After a few days, Luna felt like herself again and wanted to get outside for some fresh air. Red helped her get out of bed, opened the patio doors from their bedroom, and carried her to the patio where she settled down. She closed her eyes, looked up at the sky, and sniffed the clean, fresh air. Red observed from next to her as he grinned, moved to stand behind her, and gave her a quick kiss on the neck. Luna rested her head on his and relaxed into his embrace. She pivoted to plant a kiss on him.

After rubbing her belly and holding her closer, Red remarked, "You know what, when the time comes to have this baby, I don't know how I would feel about 

Book 1.  True LoveWhere stories live. Discover now