Months Later

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Chapter 8 Page 37

 Red let out a heavy breath and said, "You did great Zach, you are fine, get this drunken fool out of here."

Red hurried to check on Luna. She was shocked and terrified as Red seized her in his arms. He rubbed her belly and asked,

"Is the baby okay?" As Luna shook her head

"yes," Red shot her a sidelong glance and tightened his grip.

Luna looked up at him and said, "Let's go, I want to go take a bath and go to bed." He kissed Ms. Luna on the lips and said,

"We are finished, we need to go to bed, Ms. Luna is getting tired, get a bath ready please," before turning to look at the maid.

When Luna began to cry a little in the room where Red head placed her next to the tub and washed her back, Red became alarmed. He then took her hand, grasped her chin, and turned his face toward him before leaning his head against hers and asking,

" What is wrong, love? Why so many tears?"

She met his gaze, averted her gaze, and sat motionless and silent for a brief period of time and began to swear under her breath,

"That son of bitch."

She then began to speak more loudly, shake her head, ad say more than Red would ever anticipate coming from Luna: "

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