Months later

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Chapter 8 Page 40

The next morning, Luna woke up, screaming and weeping, as Red was cleaning the bathroom.

"Luna, what is going on, babe?" Red said as he hurried into the room and knelt down next to her on the bed.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and wept, telling him she'd had a terrible nightmare. Red hugged her and remained by her side till she recovered.

Luna remarked, "Red, I want to stay in bed today," as Red started to head back into the bathroom.

Red turned to face her and grinned softly, "Okay, my darling, I understand why."

"Do you want me to bring you anything from my shopping trip?" She then relaxed and shook her head no.

She smiled and lay back down, saying, "I love you Red and thank you for being here for me when no one else will be."

He walked up to her, kissed her quickly on the head, held her hand, kissed her again, and mumbled, "You have my undying love."

Book 1.  True LoveWhere stories live. Discover now