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Freen Sarocha sat at the head of the long, polished conference table, her gaze fixed on the charts and graphs displayed on the large screen in front of her. The boardroom was a sea of serious faces, all of them deeply engrossed in the discussion about market prices in the trading sector. As the daughter of the CEO of Sarocha Enterprises, the most competent company in Thailand, Freen had a lot to prove, and she took her role in the company very seriously.

"So, how's the market going?" Freen inquired, her tone as serious as her demeanor. She expected nothing but the most precise and accurate information from her team.

One of the workers, a seasoned trader, began to explain the current market trends and price fluctuations. But before he could finish, Freen raised her hand, a signal for him to stop.
Sarocha Enterprises' boardroom was a place of polished mahogany and hushed tones, where the future of the company hung in the balance of each decision made. At the head of the long, imposing table sat Freen Sarocha, the CEO's daughter and the company's heir apparent. Her reputation for competence and dedication preceded her, but so did her reputation for cold perfectionism.

As the board discussed market prices in trading, Freen's laser-focused gaze remained fixed on the data projected on the screen. Her fingers tapped rhythmically on the table, a testament to her impatience for concise information. She was a woman who valued efficiency above all else.

With a calm and authoritative tone, she interrupted the discussion. "Allow me to share my perspective on this matter," she said, her voice carrying the weight of authority. "To increase our branding and market presence, we need to adopt a more customer-centric approach. We must focus on delivering exceptional service and creating products that not only meet but exceed our customers' expectations."

Her words hung in the air, and the board members exchanged impressed glances. Freen's reputation as a cold and perfectionist leader had preceded her, but there was no denying her intelligence and vision.

The room buzzed with excitement as they began to discuss Freen's proposal in more detail. She outlined a comprehensive strategy that included market research, customer feedback, and innovative product development. It was clear that she had been thinking about this for a long time, and her dedication to the company shone through.

As the meeting continued, Freen's initial seriousness gave way to a sense of purpose and determination. The once-intermediate workers now looked at her with a newfound respect, realizing that behind her cold exterior was a leader with a singular focus: the success and growth of Sarocha Enterprises in the ever-evolving market.

Freen Sarocha's intelligence and dedication would continue to amaze all those who worked alongside her, as she strove to lead the company to even greater heights in the business world.

Freen continued walking through the bustling corridors of her office, her secretary still listing off the seemingly endless schedule for the day. Meetings, appointments, and discussions filled her calendar, leaving little room for personal matters.

Alright," Mr Lee continued, "at 3 pm, you will be meeting with the client, and then you have a discussion scheduled with Mr. Burton regarding the new products, and..."

As her secretary spoke, Freen's phone rang, displaying her mother's name on the screen. With a resigned sigh, she answered the call, knowing that her mother's topic of conversation would invariably be about her love life.

"Hello, sweetie," her mother began, her tone a mix of affection and exasperation. "I've already arranged a meeting with the daughter of one of our partner companies. You'll be meeting her soon."

Freen's brow furrowed as she tried to balance her phone conversation with her ongoing schedule. "Mom, I'm really busy right now, and I don't have the time for that."

Fah, Freen's mother, was having none of it. She had long been concerned about her daughter's apparent lack of interest in matters of the heart. "You're always like this, Freen. Every time I arrange a meeting for your future partner, you avoid it. There's no reason for you to keep doing this."

But before Fah could launch into a full-fledged rant about her daughter's attitude toward her love life, she heard a distinct beep on the line, indicating that Freen had hung up. Frustration welled up inside her as she stared at her phone.

"This kid," Fah muttered to herself, shaking her head. "When will the time come when you take your love life seriously?"

For now, though, Freen had more pressing matters to attend to, as she navigated the complex web of business dealings and responsibilities that defined her daily life. The question of her love life would have to wait, buried beneath the weight of corporate obligations and ambition.

Amid the cozy ambiance of the cafe, Freen sat with her friends, a motley crew of characters who had been her companions since their middle school days. The group consisted of Nam, Noey, Heng, Tipsky, and of course, Freen herself. They were an eclectic bunch, their personalities a kaleidoscope of chaos and camaraderie.

Nam, the ever-smiling optimist, was the first to speak. "Finally, our CEO graces us with her presence! It's been years since you agreed to join us."

Freen couldn't help but smile at Nam's enthusiasm, a rare display of emotion from her. "I've missed you all," she admitted, her voice carrying a hint of warmth.

Tipsky chimed in, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Freen, you're always so busy with work. Chill, sis! You're already rich, and you could choose not to work. You've got the inheritance of an heir waiting for you. Damn, I'm jealous of a life like yours."

Freen chuckled, savoring the moment of light-heartedness with her friends. She appreciated their understanding, even when her serious demeanor and work-focused life set her apart from the rest of the group.

Heng, the joker of the bunch, couldn't resist making a playful jab. "Hey, Noey, why do you seem so distracted? Don't tell me you've already been influenced by Freen—the expressionless face and her 'boring' attitude." His quip drew hearty laughter from the group, except for Noey, who appeared lost in her thoughts.

Noey's distant gaze caught Freen's attention, and concern crept into her expression. "Noey, is something on your mind?" she asked, her serious demeanor briefly giving way to genuine concern.

Noey blinked, as if returning from a reverie. She managed a faint smile. "Sorry, guys. I was just lost in thought for a moment. It's nothing."

Freen nodded, accepting the explanation but still keeping a watchful eye on her friend. Amid the laughter and banter, there was an unspoken bond that held this diverse group together, a bond that had weathered the years and embraced each member's unique quirks and complexities.

Have a nice day everyone. This week I will be busy with other stuff.

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