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Becky and Freen walked through the hotel lobby, their steps echoing the internal conflict brewing within Becky. They had been invited by Faye, and while Freen remained calm, Becky couldn't shake off her nervousness.

As they strolled together, Becky hesitated before touching Freen's hand, a silent plea evident in her eyes. "Freen, can't we just drop the act in front of them? I didn't think it would bring any change," she implored, seeking reassurance.

Freen observed Becky's unease but maintained a composed demeanor. Their conversation was interrupted as Faye and her friends gathered, unknowingly providing a running commentary filled with gossip and judgment.

"Do you think they're real? They look so unconvincing as a couple. Becky's behavior seems awkward with Freen," one of Faye's friends remarked, their words laden with skepticism.

"I know, right? There's no way Freen would like her. What's so special about her? If this didn't happen, I would flirt with Freen. She's handsome after all, totally my type," another friend chimed in, fueling the gossip.

Faye, with a devious plan in mind, suggested, "That's why I invited her to join us for dinner. I want to observe their relationship more. The way they behave, I can see that their relationship hasn't developed much."

"Maybe Becky's just a scandal, you know, someone stupid enough to have sex for free," Faye's friend added, eliciting laughter from the group. Unbeknownst to them, Freen and Becky overheard every slanderous word.

Freen, her hand tightening into a firm grip, felt a surge of annoyance. "You heard that? Please, let me protect you and recover your dignity," she whispered to Becky.

Feeling a mix of sadness and frustration, Becky nodded. Freen, determined to turn the tables, wore a mischievous smile and held Becky's hand with confidence. Together, they approached Faye and her friends, ready to show them a different side of their relationship.

Freen POV

In the face of slanderous remarks and gossip about Becky from Faye and her friends, anger surged within me. I knew these people were not good for Becky, and as she looked upset about their comments, I felt determined to protect her. Holding Becky's hand, I approached Faye and her friends, showcasing public affection and giving my full attention to Becky, fully aware that their envy was escalating.

"What are you going to eat for dinner?" I asked Becky, offering a silent hint for them to respect her. Becky, still visibly upset, hadn't made a choice, but I quickly intervened, urging her to stay with me. "You don't have to go anywhere; just spend time with me. I'll cover the expenses," I declared, surprising everyone, including Becky.

As we sat down for dinner, I continued the act, complimenting Becky and brushing a stray of hair away, making Faye even more jealous. "Don't worry; I'll treat the dinner as a gratitude act for all of you for inviting me and my girlfriend," I said, convincing Faye's friends with my performance.

After the dinner, they were all taken aback by the bill, the most expensive they had ever encountered. I remained calm, taking out a black card, a limited edition reserved for a select few. "You know, the similarities between you and this credit card – there's no limit, just like my love," I said bluntly, causing Becky to choke on her drink in surprise. Faye, visibly annoyed, scoffed at the scene before her.

Becky POV

Surprised by Freen's sudden behavior and the display of public affection, I couldn't help but think, "Freen, I know what you're doing, but isn't this a bit much?" I followed along with Freen's plan, and when she bluntly declared, "You know, the similarities between you and this credit card – there's no limit, just like my love," I was caught off guard, choking on my drink in surprise. Freen, quick to respond, tapped my back gently, asking if I was okay.

"Becky, you're so lucky to have Freen as your partner," said one of Faye's friends, convinced by Freen's act. The others chimed in, praising Freen's supposed romantic gestures. Faye, visibly annoyed, asked, "So, since when have you known each other?"

Freen, getting closer to me, responded, "It's simple, actually. I fell in love from the moment we first met, and I know she's mine," leaving Faye's friends in awe of Freen's affectionate display.

I faked a smile and whispered to Freen, "You did a good job convincing them, but I have to admit, you overdid it. This is cringe."

Freen, mischievously smiling, responded, "Just relax. I love seeing their reactions, and you should thank me for covering you." I shook my head, carrying on with Freen's plan, uncertain of what was to come.

In the midst of the dinner, Nop found himself unable to resist observing Becky's interaction with Freen. A pang of jealousy struck him as he realized that Becky had moved on. Becky, who used to shower him with attention, was now happily engaged with someone else, and it stung.

Sighing deeply, Nop decided to join the dinner, despite initially claiming he felt unwell. Faye, ever skeptical of Nop's feelings toward his ex, questioned his sudden change of heart. "Babe, you said you were feeling unwell. What's going on?" she asked.

"I'm feeling well now, and I also want to get to know Becky's partner," Nop replied, his insecurities subtly surfacing.

As they sat together, an intense gaze exchanged between Nop and Freen revealed the mutual feelings of jealousy and competition over Becky. Nop, trying to test Freen, asked, "So, how long have you two known each other?"

Freen, aware of Nop's intentions, responded sarcastically, "I know Becky better than you. We got acquainted a few months ago when I had business partnerships with her family. Does that bother you?"

Nop chuckled, shaking his head, and decided to play his own game. "I'd be glad to enlighten you about Becky. For instance, did you know the scar on her knee is from a bicycle race we had? It was quite funny," Nop said, reminiscing about their shared past to make Freen jealous. He continued, "And she has a scar from a big fire. You should be careful about that." Freen, now visibly furious, couldn't hide her emotions.

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