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Irin woke up groggily to the sound of her phone ringing. She answered the call without even looking at the caller ID, only to hear her mother's excited voice on the other end.

"Honey, Freen is interested in getting to know you, and she's asking for another date. See, my arrangement and decisions are the best choice for you," her mother exclaimed happily.

Irin was taken aback by this unexpected news. "Wait, what?" she stammered, not sure how to react to her mother's announcement.

Her mother continued, "She's asking for your phone number, and I've given it to her. Good luck, daughter, for your future partner. I'm so proud of you!"

After ending the call, Irin buried her face in her pillow and let out a frustrated scream. "What's happening? I thought she got the message that I'm not interested in her," she thought to herself, feeling overwhelmed.

Suddenly, her phone rang again, displaying an unknown number. Irin hesitantly answered it, and a voice on the other end greeted her. "Hello, is this Irin? I'm Freen. Sorry to disturb you, but are you feeling well? I wanted to visit, but they said you've already left the hospital."

Irin panicked at the situation but tried to sound like Becky as she responded, "Yeah, I'm okay, just a little busy with stuff, I guess."

Freen seemed understanding and apologized for the previous inconvenience. Irin sighed with relief, but her anxiety flared up again as Freen brought up the idea of another date.

Freen said, "How about another date? I've already asked your mom, and she agreed. So, another date tomorrow at lunch. I'll pick you up."

Irin cursed her mother silently for creating another problem for her. She quickly replied, "No need to pick me up; I'll go there by myself."

Freen agreed, and they set the date for tomorrow at lunch before ending the call. Irin was left stunned and frustrated with this unexpected turn of events, muttering to herself, "Becky, help me."

Becky and Nop found themselves in an argument after rumors started circulating about Nop getting closer to his co-star, with paparazzi capturing numerous photos of them together. Becky was visibly upset, and she confronted Nop about the situation.

"Nop, what's going on with all these rumors and pictures?" Becky questioned, her frustration evident in her voice.

Nop, however, remained surprisingly calm as he tried to explain himself. "Bec, it's for my career. You know how this industry works. Gossip and publicity can help boost my popularity. Our relationship isn't serious, and these rumors won't affect us."

Becky was having a hard time accepting Nop's explanation. "But Nop, there are other ways to stay relevant without resorting to this. You can work hard on your acting skills and prove yourself to others."

Nop understood her concerns but felt compelled to justify his actions. "I know, but it takes time, Bec. I need to earn money for a living, too. Once my career is stable, I promise I'll clear up these rumors."

Becky couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy, but she knew she had little say in the matter. Their relationship, if it could even be called that, was a complex one. Nop never declared anything about their connection publicly, yet he showed her affection that made her feel special. It was a frustrating situation for Becky, torn between her love for him and the uncertainty of their relationship's status.

Becky POV

I stepped into my room, tired from the day's events, and was greeted by an unexpected sight. Irin was sitting there in the dark, lost in thought. "Oh, shit... What are you doing in the dark? You surprised me," I blurted out, my heart racing from the sudden shock.

Irin looked up at me, her expression filled with panic. "We're in deep trouble, Becky. Freen agreed to go on another date with me," she confessed, her voice trembling.

My eyes widened in shock upon hearing this news. "What are we going to do?" I asked, my mind racing to process the situation.

Irin seemed desperate. "We're stuck, Becky. It's obvious you have to go with her again," she said, her voice laced with urgency.

I pinched my temples, trying to wrap my head around the mess we were in. "Maybe I should make it clear to Freen that you're not interested," I suggested, though I knew it wouldn't be that simple.

Irin's voice was filled with guilt as she apologized, "I'm sorry, Bec, for involving you in this problem again."

I sighed, trying to figure out a solution while comforting my cousin. "Does Noey know about this?" I asked, wondering if our other cousin was aware of the predicament.

Irin shook her head, clinging to me for support. I couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness at the thought of meeting Freen again. The tangled web of our relationships had become even more complicated, and I knew we had some tough decisions ahead.

Freen POV

I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as I prepared for my date with Irin once again. Standing in front of my mirror, I contemplated the array of outfits spread before me. "This one or this one?" I wondered aloud, as I tried to imagine which attire would make the best impression on her.

Just as I was about to make a choice, my mother burst into the room, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Wow, I never thought you would be this interested in Mr. Lim's daughter," she exclaimed, firing off questions. "Is she pretty? Is she nice?" Her curiosity was infectious, and I found myself smiling in response.

"Ooh, look at you smiling after such a long time!" My mother's enthusiasm was heartwarming, and I felt grateful for her support.

Later that night, as I lay in bed, I decided to give Irin a call. But as I held my phone, I couldn't figure out how to start the conversation. Should I call her or not? The fear of seeming like a bother gnawed at me as I paced around my room, my nerves getting the best of me.

"Hello, I'm Freen," I practiced aloud, then shook my head, finding it too formal. "Uhmm, hey... It's a beautiful day to meet you." I cringed, fearing that it sounded somewhat inappropriate. "Sounds like a pervert," I mumbled, my confidence waning.

In the end, I placed my phone on the nightstand, my mind still racing with uncertainty. With a sigh, I surrendered to the night and drifted off to sleep, hoping that my next encounter with Irin would be less awkward than the one I had just imagined.

I'm the type of person who loves character development trying to make the character normal even if it's fiction which is it has some flaw, habit, or workplace I'm trying to make it details as possible.

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