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Freen POV

As Freen sat across from Irin, she couldn't help but admit that Irin was far more attractive than she had expected, despite her bizarre style. Irin's unconventional appearance seemed to add to her charm, and Freen found herself enjoying their interaction. "She's totally different from the dates I've had before," Freen thought, genuinely intrigued by Irin.

Observing Irin's leg nervously shaking under the table, Freen couldn't help but feel a sense of empathy. It was clear that Irin was nervous about the date, just as she was. "Surprisingly, she's managed to make me laugh after a long time," Freen mused to herself.

Irin's next question caught Freen off guard. "So, have you ever had a partner before?" Irin asked, her teasing smile showing that she was trying to make the conversation lighthearted.

Freen decided to be honest in her response. "Yes, I had a partner once, but it was just a fling, nothing serious. Most of the time, I've been focusing on the company," she explained. Freen couldn't help but wonder why she was revealing such personal information to a stranger she had met just thirty minutes ago.

Irin's teasing continued as she asked, "So, have you ever slept with someone?" Freen chuckled at the question. "Why, are you interested in sleeping together with me? Maybe we can get to know each other better," she teased, trying to hide her own nervousness behind humor.

Irin played along, responding with a mischievous smile, "Sure, why not? Maybe we can compare skills in bed, perhaps."

Freen couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Irin's response. "Come on, let's book a hotel together then. We can test our skills together," she teased, winking at Irin. As they made their way to a hotel together, Freen couldn't deny that something felt different about her time with Irin. There was a unique connection forming, and Freen was beginning to wonder where this unexpected date might lead.

Becky POV

Becky was utterly shocked by Freen's unexpected reaction to her playful banter about sleeping together. Panic surged through her as she tried to think of a way to salvage the situation. "What? I didn't expect that reaction... think, Becky, think. How am I going to get away from her?" she thought frantically while watching Freen confidently book a room at the hotel receptionist.

As Freen turned to her with excitement, ready to head to the room, Becky's nerves reached a breaking point. She needed an escape plan immediately. "What should I do right now? Should I make a scene by pretending to faint? Yeah, that's a good idea," she decided, desperate to break free from the unexpected turn of events.

With determination, Becky began her dramatic act, pretending to faint right there in the hotel lobby. She hoped that this would prompt Freen to reconsider the situation and give her an opportunity to extricate herself from the awkward situation.

As Becky closed her eyes and pretended to be unconscious, she could hear Freen's concerned voice. "Irin, are you okay?" Freen asked, her worry evident.

Becky had to commit to her act, despite the growing guilt and regret she felt for going along with this plan. She didn't want to hurt Freen or lead her on. The situation had spiraled out of control, and Becky needed a way out.

Suddenly, she felt Freen picking her up, and she realized that Freen was taking her to the hospital. Panic surged through her once again. "Oh my God, why is it so complicated to get away from her?" Becky wondered, feeling trapped in her own scheme.

As they headed to the hospital in Freen's car, Becky contemplated her next move. She knew she couldn't keep up this charade forever, but she had to figure out a way to gracefully exit this situation without causing any more confusion or hurt feelings.

Freen POV

Freen sat in the hospital, regret gnawing at her. She watched as Irin received treatment, feeling responsible for the situation they were in. "It's anything happened, it's all your fault, Freen. You should have not done that prank, knowing she was already nervous about it," she scolded herself inwardly.

Freen hadn't intended to go this far. Her initial plan had been to tease Irin about booking a hotel room, nothing more. She had no intention of crossing any boundaries or making Irin uncomfortable. She respected boundaries and consent, a value her mother had instilled in her.

"You've gone too far, Freen... What if she avoids you after this?" Freen worried, realizing that her actions might have consequences on her budding connection with Irin.

As she waited for Irin's treatment to conclude, Freen couldn't help but reflect on their interactions. She found herself pondering why she cared so much about Irin's opinion of her. It was an unusual feeling for her, and she couldn't quite explain it.

After some time, Freen decided to visit Irin, but to her surprise, the bed was empty. Irin had already left the hospital, leaving Freen feeling a mix of disappointment and relief. She wasn't sure how to handle the situation or what to expect from Irin.

As Freen headed back home, her thoughts were consumed by the unexpected encounter with Irin. She couldn't help but wonder what had prompted her to act the way she did and why Irin's reactions affected her so deeply. Determined to find answers, she made a decision: she would ask her secretary to gather information about Irin, hoping to gain some insight into the enigmatic woman who had captured her attention.

So how is it so far?

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