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Becky POV

The events from the previous night flooded back, accompanied by a throbbing headache. Blinking against the discomfort, I discovered a cooling pad soothingly placed on my forehead.

My gaze wandered around the room, recognizing familiar elements from Freen's personal space. The realization hit me that I wasn't in my own room, adding a layer of confusion to the remnants of last night's chaotic events. Trying to sit up, the headache intensified, and I winced, hand reaching for my forehead.

The memories of pleading with Freen, the locked room, and the doctor's visit gradually pieced together. I groaned, both from the headache and the embarrassment of my actions. What happened last night, and why did Freen have to lock me up? The questions lingered in my mind as I attempted to make sense of the aftermath.

As the events of the previous night flooded back, terror seized me - the memory of Nop's attempt at sexual assault sent shivers down my spine. Rushing to the mirror, I felt a surge of disgust as I examined my neck, tainted by Nop's touch.

In the bathroom, I scrubbed harshly, desperate to rid myself of any remnants of Nop's violation. Despite my efforts, the whole sequence of events from the night before remained fragmented in my memory. The mere thought of my interaction with Nop lowered my self-esteem, casting a shadow on the beautiful moments I shared with Freen.

As I cried in the bathroom, confusion and sadness enveloped me. The impact of Nop's actions lingered, leaving me grappling with the potential trauma it might inflict. Turning on the shower, I sought solace in its cleansing flow, hoping to wash away the dirt of Nop's touch. Sitting on the bathroom floor, tears mixed with the water, and questions flooded my mind.

"Why can't I remember everything?" I wondered aloud, the frustration evident in my voice. The uncertainty of whether Freen knew about the traumatic events weighed heavily on me. The vulnerability and fear from the night before left me yearning for answers, unsure of how to face Freen after such a harrowing experience.

Freen's heart was pounding as she made her way to the police station, determined to seek justice for her girlfriend, Becky. Her fists clenched tightly at her sides, filled with both anger and determination. As she arrived, she met with her lawyer and a stern-faced police officer who briefed her on Nop's case. Freen listened attentively, her arms crossed in front of her chest as she observed Nop being dragged into the station by another officer.

Nop appeared smug and relaxed, trying to convince everyone of his innocence. But Freen saw right through his facade. They locked eyes in the discussion room, while the officer left momentarily to retrieve some files. "Wow," Nop sneered, "our shining armor knight...trying her best to make me look bad. Why? Are you afraid that Becky might want to get back with me?" He laughed mockingly, attempting to provoke Freen.

He smirks confidently, attempting to convince them of his innocence while Freen's anger only intensifies. She can't believe he has the audacity to provoke her with his sarcastic comments.

But instead of responding, Freen felt a sudden surge of anger and grabbed onto the collar of Nop's shirt. He chuckled at her outburst, but soon grew uncomfortable as she tightened her grip around his neck, making it difficult for him to breathe. With a final push, Freen released him and composed herself, crossing her arms and maintaining a cold demeanor.

"I have proof that will make you burn in jail," Freen stated confidently, causing Nop's expression to immediately shift to one of worry.

His bravado quickly faded as Freen revealed the evidence against him - testimonies from numerous women who had been victims of his sexual assault tactics, including his ex-girlfriend, Faye. Nop tried to appear unfazed and demanded to see the proof himself.

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