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Becky POV

Relieved that I could finally be myself, I quickly checked my dress and hair before heading to my parents' table. As I arrived, Richie waved at me, clearly showing his impatience. "Do you know how long we've been waiting for you?" he chided.

I retorted, "Hey, you should be glad I'm taking the time to be here despite my busy schedule. Plus, I got stuck in traffic for two hours."

We started to argue a bit, but my father intervened, calming both of us down. "Whatever," I muttered under my breath.

Just as I was settling in, I received a message from Freen, inquiring about my whereabouts. I checked my watch, realizing that I had been away from Freen for about 30 minutes. Panic washed over me, and I couldn't believe I had let the time slip away.

Just then, Richie announced Freen's arrival to my family, introducing her as my business partner. I was utterly shocked and, in a state of panic, I hid under the table to avoid being seen by Freen. I had come dangerously close to exposing myself in front of my family.

Becky glanced at Freen, who was chatting with her father and appeared to be enjoying their conversation. Richie, bewildered by my reaction, asked, "What's wrong, Bec?" He couldn't comprehend why I looked so terrified and panicked as I observed Freen as if she were a ghost.

As I attempted to answer Richie, I dropped my phone, and to my immense relief, Freen didn't recognize me and left our table.

Richie commented, "You missed the opportunity to meet her, Becky. She's actually a nice person and wanted to meet our family, especially you." He had no idea about the turmoil I was facing.

I looked at the time, cursing myself for taking too long. I worried that Freen might become suspicious about my absence. Just as I was contemplating disguising myself as Patricia again, my family was called to the stage for the project launch with Freen.

But time was not on my side. I heard my family being called to the stage for the project launch and business partner announcement. As my mother pulled me toward the stage insisting that I join them on stage. I stood there, dumbfounded, watching Freen from the stage. I realized I couldn't escape this time. Freen was on stage, wearing a sly smile that sent shivers down my spine. I knew this was the final act of my disguise, and I wondered if Freen had already figured it out.

I realized that this might be the final test of my disguise. Freen's enigmatic smile suggested she might already know my secret. I took a deep breath, ready to face whatever would come next.

Freen POV

Standing on the stage, I observed Becky's frantic attempts to hide herself and avoid eye contact with me. It was apparent that my plan was working, and she was clearly uncomfortable with the situation. As Richie expressed his gratitude for our partnership and the opportunities it presented, I couldn't help but reminisce about how I had strategically gotten closer to Becky, embedding myself within her family's business and personal life.

Richie's speech resonated with the audience, drawing applause and admiration. Playing my part, I acknowledged his efforts, emphasizing my trust in his capability to make our joint venture a success. "I hope this venture will propel our businesses into a new era, and I have full confidence in Richie's credibility to make it happen," I said, raising my glass for a toast.

Just as the event seemed to be winding down, I made an unexpected move. Stepping towards Becky, I took her hand, surprising not only her but also everyone in the room. "Actually, there's an announcement I want to make tonight," I declared, my voice firm. I continued, "Me and Becky are in a relationship, and I hope Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong will bless our relationship."

Becky stood there, utterly shocked, her eyes widening in disbelief as I winked at her with a meaningful smile. The room fell silent, the weight of my announcement hanging in the air, leaving everyone stunned and Becky mortified. It was a move I hadn't planned, but seeing Becky's reaction, I couldn't resist the opportunity to catch her off guard and maintain my upper hand in our complex game.

Becky POV

I stood there, utterly shocked by Freen's revelation. It all suddenly made sense, and I realized that Freen had planned this all along. The pieces of the puzzle fell into place, and I couldn't believe that I had fallen into her carefully crafted trap. Freen was clearly enjoying every moment of this, relishing the surprise she had sprung on me.

As I attempted to slip away from the situation, Freen swiftly closed the proximity between us, maintaining her act in front of the audience. She spoke in a low, whispered tone that sent shivers down my spine, "Like I said, I'm always one step ahead, and you belong with me."

My mind raced as I tried to make sense of everything. I knew I needed to regain control of the situation, showing Freen that she couldn't manipulate me. "Oh my God! What's happening? Get a grip, Becky. You need to show her that she can't control you," I thought, determined not to let Freen's games suffocate me any longer.

Once the event came to a close, I seized the opportunity to pull Freen aside to have a clear and candid conversation. My frustration boiled over as I confronted her, "What are you trying to play at with me and all these ridiculous games? For your information, I'm not in love with you. No matter what you do to me, I won't fall for you."

I hit Freen's shoulder in frustration, but she responded by grabbing my hand and pushing me gently against a nearby wall. Our eyes locked, and the close proximity made my cheeks burn with a deep blush. Freen's voice was low and filled with determination as she said, "Are you sure you won't fall for me? Because I will do anything to make you mine."

Despite my anger and frustration, I couldn't deny the electrifying tension between us, and I found myself entangled in the complex web that Freen had woven.

To cope with my shyness, I quickly moved to push myself away from her, lightly bumping my head into hers. Freen winced in pain and let me go. Before we could continue our conversation, Richie suddenly interrupted us, misunderstanding the situation.

"Wow, there's a couple bickering over here," Richie chimed in, unaware of the tension between us. "Becky, take it easy. I know you're taking boxing classes, but you don't have to hit your girlfriend like that."

I was annoyed and retorted, "She's not my girlfriend, and you've seriously been influenced by her."

Richie didn't buy it, adding with a teasing grin, "Deny it all you want, but I can see the chemistry between you guys. By the way, Freen, be careful with her. She can be wild sometimes. I mean, I've been through her torture before." With that, Richie left, leaving me annoyed and Freen amused by the situation.

See you next weekend 😉.. so how is it so far?

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