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Becky had always been known as the star student in her law class. Her relentless dedication to her studies left her classmates and even her lecturers impressed with her intelligence. She possessed a striking beauty with a resemblance to her father, Armstrong, who had Caucasian looks. Despite her family's considerable wealth, Becky remained remarkably humble and hardworking.

One day, Becky and her friends gathered around the information board to check the results of their latest test. As expected, Becky's name stood proudly at the top of the list, having achieved the highest score in the class.

"Wow, you've done it again, Bec," Yha exclaimed as she scanned the test results. She couldn't help but admire Becky's consistent academic excellence.

Becky simply smiled, her eyes lingering on her name. She felt a sense of relief wash over her, knowing that her tireless efforts, late nights of studying, and unwavering commitment had once again paid off. Her dedication to her studies was a testament to her character, one that combined beauty, brains, and an admirable work ethic, making her a source of inspiration for all who knew her.

Becky and Yha sat at a corner table in the bustling faculty cafe, their conversation drifting easily between bites of their lunch. The chatter of students around them created a pleasant background noise until a sudden commotion erupted nearby, drawing the attention of everyone in the vicinity.

Becky's gaze shifted toward the source of the disturbance, and her eyes widened in recognition. It was Nop, the rookie artist who had recently made his debut in a popular drama. He was engaging with a crowd of excited fans, signing autographs and taking photos. Becky couldn't help but be impressed by his charm and charisma.

Yha leaned closer, her curiosity piqued. "Isn't Nop your boyfriend?" she asked, her tone playful.

A faint blush crept onto Becky's cheeks as she shook her head. "No, Yha," she replied with a shy smile. "We don't put a label on our relationship. We're just friends."

Yha raised an eyebrow, her gaze steady on Becky. "Becky, I've seen how you've supported him financially when he was still an unknown artist. I hope he appreciates you and doesn't take advantage of your generosity."

Becky's smile remained, though tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "I trust him, Yha," she assured her friend. "Besides, we still meet each other, even in secret, for the sake of his career."

As the crowd around Nop began to thin, Becky's attention was drawn back to him. Their eyes met, and in that silent exchange, he gave her a subtle sign to wait for him after he was done with his fans. Becky felt her heart race, and her blush deepened. Her feelings for Nop were still very much alive, and she couldn't deny the flutter of excitement at the prospect of seeing him again, even if their relationship remained undefined.

Becky POV

As I stood outside the night club that Nop had instructed me to meet him at, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Why would he want to meet here of all places? It was clear that this was a night club, and I had never been one for such wild and rowdy environments alone.

As I cautiously surveyed the surroundings, my apprehension grew. The group of people gathered near the entrance was already high and drunk, their laughter and shouts filling the air. A part of me wanted to turn and walk away from this unfamiliar and chaotic scene.

But before I could make my escape, Nop suddenly appeared, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward him. "Becky, you made it!" he exclaimed.

"Nop, I..." I began, trying to voice my concerns, but I was cut off by a woman lounging on a nearby couch who spoke in a haze of smoke. "Who's she, Nop?"

Nop introduced me to his friends, and his enthusiasm for the night ahead was palpable. "Everyone, this is Becky," he announced. "Beck, this is my friend. We're going to have fun tonight and party!"

My heart sank. Nop had initially told me that this was going to be a private birthday celebration between the two of us. I hadn't expected to be thrust into a scene so different from my usual environment.

Nop introduced me to his friends, and I realized that this wasn't the private birthday party I had expected. He seemed intent on turning it into a wild night of partying with his entertainment industry friends.

"What? Nop, you told me this was just going to be us," I whispered to him, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the unfamiliar surroundings.

As I tried to discreetly hide the carefully wrapped gift I had brought for Nop, I was bombarded with offers of drinks and pills for "fun." Politely, I declined, feeling increasingly out of place.

Nop's friend sighed. "Such a bummer," she mumbled.

Nop, who had been drinking steadily despite my plea for moderation, assured his friends, "She's a good girl."

I struggled to blend into the wild atmosphere, all the while feeling overwhelmed and trying to hold on because of my feelings for Nop. The unfamiliar situation was a stark contrast to my usual calm and composed demeanor.

As the night continued, a waiter approached, presenting me with a bill that left me stunned. "Huh? Twenty thousand Baht?" I exclaimed, baffled by the expensive total.

Nop took my hand and gently stroked my cheek. "Beck, this is my birthday party, and I had to treat everyone in the entertainment industry for networking purposes," he explained. "I promise I'll pay you back once I get some big offers. Can you help me out this one time?"

My hesitation was evident, but when I looked into Nop's eyes and saw the vulnerability and need in them, I couldn't help but agree to pay the bill for him. It was more than I had ever expected to spend in one night, but I couldn't bear to see Nop struggle.

"That's why I like you, Becky," Nop said, his voice filled with appreciation and affection as he hugged me tightly. In that moment, despite the chaos and the unexpected turn of events, I felt a warmth in my heart, knowing that my presence meant something special to him.

Irin's shock was evident as she absorbed the revelation from Becky about the staggering sum of money spent in just one night at the club. "Twenty thousand Baht for one night, and you agreed to it? Bec, do you realize he might just be taking advantage of you?" Irin voiced her concern for her cousin.

Becky, however, defended Nop, her voice filled with unwavering trust. "No, he's just struggling financially, and he promised to pay me back once he gets an offer. He's talented in acting, and I believe he'll land a big role soon."

Irin remained skeptical, her concern etched on her face. "Bec, I know you have feelings for him, but if he's struggling financially, why would he go to a club and claim to treat everyone, especially when it's your money?"

Becky sighed, knowing that Irin had a point. "I just want to help him whenever he's in trouble," she admitted, her voice tinged with frustration.

Irin's concern deepened as she continued, "I'm afraid he's becoming dependent on you, especially knowing that you have money. And what if your dad finds out you're spending money at a nightclub?"

Becky's eyes widened at the thought of her father's reaction. "Oh my god," she murmured, "I hope my dad doesn't have the time to check all of this."

Irin, who knew how protective Richiee was of his sister, Rebecca, couldn't help but add, "Yeah, probably not with your dad, but Richiee..." Her voice trailed off, leaving an unspoken implication hanging in the air. Irin was well aware of Richiee's protective nature and how he might react if he learned about Becky's involvement in such situations.

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