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Becky POV

I felt numb after the revelation that Nop was with someone else. What hurt the most was that Nop didn't even explain the situation to me; he just sent a text saying, "Sorry." I was upset and didn't know how to cope with the pain, so I sought solace in the numbing embrace of the bar.

As I sat there, the alcohol slowly dulled the pain, and in my drunken state, I attempted to call Irin, hoping to share my sadness with her. Unbeknownst to me, in my intoxicated state, I mistakenly dialed Freen's number instead of Irin's.

I poured out my heart to Freen, unaware that she was the wrong person on the other end of the line, listening to my drunken confessions and sorrow.

Freen POV

I went to the bar to find Becky, and as I arrived, it was evident that she was in a drunken state, tears streaming down her face. "Bec, come, let me take care of you," I offered, attempting to help her up. Becky looked at me with confusion, slurring, "Freen, why are you here? I'm calling Irin, not you."

Despite her protest, I tried to assist her, but Becky quickly evaded my grasp, attempting to stand on her own, which ended in failure. As she struggled to walk, I swiftly caught her, paid the bill, and guided her out of the bar. "Let me go, Freen. I can handle myself," Becky insisted, making my annoyance clear.

"Look at you; you're still in a drunken state. Let me help you," I insisted, but Becky remained stubborn, refusing my assistance. "No, Freen, I can handle myself. Let me go," she slurred.

My patience wore thin. "Don't test my patience, Becky," I said firmly. I decided to carry her, and despite her squirming attempts to get away, I held her securely. Once we reached the car, I gently let Becky down and fastened her seatbelt.

"Why do you insist on being alone? Just let me help you," I pleaded, trying to maintain my calm. However, Becky, determined to distance herself, continued her resistance. "Trying to get away from me? I will kiss you to the point that you can't even imagine," I asserted with authority. At my words, Becky halted, intrigued and listening to what I had to say.

Becky dozed off in the car as Freen drove, her body shivering from the cold. Freen, glancing at Becky with concern, quickly adjusted the temperature to make her more comfortable. Contemplating whether to take her to Becky's house or her own, Freen decided on the latter, thinking it might cause trouble if Becky went home in this state.

Carrying Becky into her house, Freen gently laid her down. She then took on the role of caretaker, cleaning off Becky's makeup and changing her clothes. Satisfied with her efforts, Freen was surprised when Becky, in a vulnerable state, got unusually close.

As Freen attempted to leave, Becky clung to her, wrapping her arms around Freen. "Where do you want to go? Stay here," slurred Becky. Freen, amused, replied, "I'm sure you'll scold me tomorrow when you're feeling better."

"Stay," Becky insisted. "I love your warmth and scent. It smells like vanilla." She continued to hold onto Freen, expressing a rare vulnerability. Freen, touched by the moment, admitted, "Sometimes, I wish you were always like this, instead of being so hard on me."

Becky tightened her grip, making Freen lose her balance and ending up on top of Becky. "You're so cute, like a bunny," Becky teased, pinching Freen's cheek, which only deepened Freen's blush. "I'm not a bunny," protested Freen, but Becky insisted, "But you are," with a playful chuckle.

Becky POV

I woke up with a sense of ease, feeling a sort of comforting embrace and a pleasant vanilla scent. As I opened my eyes, I realized someone was sleeping peacefully beside me. Curiosity got the better of me, and I glanced over to find Freen right next to me, both of us apparently having cuddled during the night. Panic surged through me as I quickly pulled away, mistakenly thinking Freen had taken advantage of the situation. I kicked her, and she winced in pain as she fell off the bed.

Taking stock of my surroundings, I realized I was in an unfamiliar bedroom, wearing clothes that weren't mine. "What are you doing to me?" I asked, panic evident in my voice as I tried to cover myself from Freen's gaze. She got up, looking confused. "You should thank me for taking care of you. Handling you in that drunken state was quite challenging," Freen stated.

I pinched my temples, attempting to recall the events of the previous night and questioning why Freen had gotten involved. Freen reassured me, "Don't worry, I wouldn't do anything to you. You're still fully dressed, and the best part is, it wasn't me who initiated the move. You were the one being clingy, and you won't believe what happened last night." With that, Freen left me alone, leaving me nervous and filled with uncertainty about the events that transpired.

Becky, determined to leave Freen's house unnoticed, started to put on her clothes slowly. Walking in silence, she made sure not to draw Freen's attention, who seemed focused on preparing breakfast.

As Becky attempted to make her way to the door, she stole a glance at Freen engrossed in cooking, seemingly unaware of her movements. Carefully, Becky inched towards the door, closing it slowly behind her.

However, just as she thought she had succeeded, Freen's mother appeared in front of her. "Rebecca?" she questioned, looking confused. "Where are you going?"

Caught off guard, Becky struggled to find an answer when Freen joined them. "Mom, you never told me to come at my place today," Freen said, helping her mother with the groceries.

"Did I disturb your sweet moment between you and your girlfriend?" Freen's mother teased, making Freen chuckle. "No, not at all. I'm preparing breakfast," Freen replied, inviting her mother in, and inadvertently foiling Becky's attempt to slip away.

Becky managed to fake a smile as she took a seat at the table, while Freen continued setting plates for their breakfast. The unexpected turn of events left Becky feeling a bit flustered but determined to navigate the situation smoothly.

Of course, there's a continuation for this scene...

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