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Becky POV

Frustration simmered within me as Freen joined our trip, an unwanted presence that stirred up emotions I wasn't ready to confront. "Do she have to follow this trip?" I grumbled internally, feeling the weight of unresolved issues between us. Watching Freen engage in conversation with Noey only fueled my annoyance.

Irin's suggestion to walk together momentarily eased the tension, and I seized the opportunity. "Let me go with you, Irin," I said, pulling her towards me and briskly walking away. Irin, catching on to my discomfort, shared an awkward smile with Noey and Freen. Throughout our activities, I clung to Irin, deliberately ignoring Freen, determined to give her the cold shoulder.

Becky, Freen, Irin, and Noey decided to have brunch at a restaurant after exploring the beach and Pattaya city. Irin shared the excitement about a lantern festival later that night, sparking enthusiasm among the group.

"Guys, I heard that there's a lantern festival tonight... it's gonna be exciting," Irin announced. Noey, affectionately squelching Irin's cheeks, expressed his anticipation. "Oh really? I guess this is the first time we're going together as a couple."

On the other side of the table, Freen and Becky sat in dead silence. Becky, still focused on her phone, avoided interacting with Freen. Freen sighed deeply, realizing Becky was still upset with her. Unintentionally, their hands touched when reaching for water glasses. Freen allowed Becky to take a glass first while she requested another.

Despite the cold shoulder from Becky, Freen continued to care for her. "Waiter, where's the dishes that I requested not spicy... can I try this? My friend can't handle spiciness," Freen inquired, making sure Becky could eat the chosen dishes. Satisfied, Freen handed a plate to Becky, along with utensils. "You can eat this... it's not spicy at all."

Becky accepted the gesture, somewhat melting at Freen's consideration. However, she tried to maintain a cool demeanor, aware that their situation remained complex. Irin, sensing the tension, added a touch of sarcasm, "Looks like there's already someone who takes care of you, Bec. Good for you, Freen, coming along- at least there's someone who can handle your pickiness with food." The remark led to Becky playfully hitting Irin's shoulder, embarrassed by the attention.

Freen POV

The weight of Becky's cold treatment weighed heavily on my shoulders, and I couldn't shake off the sadness that lingered within me. The thought of revealing my vulnerabilities to her gnawed at me-would she still accept me once she knew my imperfections?

During the trip, I observed Becky avoiding any interaction with me, creating a palpable distance between us. I struggled with the internal debate of when and how to share my struggles with her.

To distract myself, I joined Noey for surfing, hoping the activity would offer solace. The waves provided a temporary escape, allowing me to release the tension surrounding my relationship with Becky.

After surfing, we approached Becky and Irin on the beach. However, Becky's gaze was piercing, and her words cut through the air. "Next time, wear proper clothes. You're attracting attention like an ant," she said, tossing a towel at me before abruptly leaving.

Confused and hurt, I looked to Irin for an explanation, only to receive a cryptic response. "You're dead, Freen," she said with a knowing smile, leaving me in suspense about the source of Becky's sudden animosity.

Becky POV

Jealousy churned within me as I observed the crowd admiring Freen's effortless beauty and cool demeanor while changing into her surfing attire. The group of girls and boys couldn't help but comment on her looks, declaring her both pretty and cool simultaneously. I couldn't deny the truth in their words.

As the comments persisted, a wave of possessiveness and jealousy surged through me. Freen's allure seemed to captivate everyone around, and I found myself irritated by the attention she garnered.

Irin attempted to lighten the mood with a joke, but I wasn't in the mood to laugh. "Look at her... so cool over there," a boy commented, sparking an unwelcome twinge of annoyance within me. "Do you think she's single? It wouldn't hurt to flirt with her," another chimed in.

I couldn't shake the frustration, and the sight of Freen in that revealing swimsuit only fueled my irritation. "What kind of clothes is she wearing? It's so sexy," I grumbled, my annoyance clear.

Irin teased me, sensing my jealousy, but I vehemently denied it. "Jealous? No way," I insisted, trying to convince myself more than anyone else. Yet, as my gaze lingered on Freen, the uneasiness within me continued to grow.

Noey, observing the intense moment between Becky and Freen, couldn't help but express her surprise. Turning to Irin, she inquired, "What's wrong with your cousin?" Irin, enjoying the unfolding interaction, encouraged Freen to approach Becky and resolve whatever was causing the tension.

"Go ahead, Freen. I'm sure both of you have a lot of things to discuss," Irin said, motivating Freen to make an effort to reconcile.

"Bec, wait," Freen called out as she walked toward Becky. However, Becky continued to avoid Freen, walking faster. Freen, determined to address the situation, caught up with her, trying to engage in a conversation.

"Get away from me. Let me go," Becky struggled, expressing her resistance. Freen, not yielding, insisted, "No, until you explain to me why your sudden rage to me this time."

Becky, angered by Freen's persistence, pointed out her own grievances. "You say you want me to explain to you, but you were the first one who left me stranded that night. Not to mention, you wore this swimsuit to gather attention from everyone unintentionally," she sulked.

Freen, realizing the need to be open, proposed a condition. "Okay, I will tell you, but promise me you won't get angry with me again." Becky, yearning for the truth, insisted, "No, until you tell me the truth about you. How can I get to know you if you keeping  secrets?"

Spotting a nearby bench, Freen suggested, "There's a bench over there. Let's sit here, and I will tell you." Adjusting the weight of Becky in her arms as she carried her, Freen led them to the bench. Becky, with a nod, gently placed her arm on Freen's shoulder, allowing a moment of closeness for the impending conversation.

Have a nice day everyone. Leave your comment, I love to read it. I need distraction after having exhausted weeks.

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