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Becky couldn't hide her surprise upon learning about Freen's nyctophobia. "Nyctophobia?" she asked, genuinely curious.

Freen nodded, admitting, "Yeah, it's a fear of the dark. I have an intense fear of it, so that night when I had a nightmare, and you kept the room dimly lit, it triggered my anxiety. I'm sorry for making you sad that night, and it's not your fault."

Processing this newfound information, Becky found herself feeling a sense of empathy. She understood that there must be a reason behind Freen's intense fear of the dark. Despite the initial shock, she was grateful that Freen had the courage to share this secret with her.

"Weird, isn't it? I've kept this secret from everyone else except the ones close to me," Freen confessed.

Becky couldn't help but appreciate Freen's honesty. "I'm truly sorry if my behavior made you sad; it was unintentional. You didn't deserve to be treated that way. Actually, I'm thankful for you taking care of me," Freen added.

Feeling a sense of warmth, Becky responded, "It's okay. I'm happy to know you better. I'm glad you had the courage to share this with me."

Freen, in a playful manner, said, "Is that it? I was thinking of giving you a flower or a poem, you know, like in other relationships I've seen in movies."

Becky chuckled, enjoying Freen's humor. "No, really. As long as you're honest with me and we take the opportunity to get to know each other, it's more than enough," she said, closing the proximity between them. Freen picked up on the signs, and soon they found themselves hugging on the bench, enjoying the view of the sunset together.

Freen POV

Intrigued by Becky's reaction, I couldn't help but feel relieved. I had anticipated a different response, expecting Becky to press for details about my condition. Instead, Becky seemed to accept it without pushing for more. "I thought she would push me to tell the details about my condition like other people, but she seems to accept it," Freen thought, feeling a sense of relief.

"I'm truly sorry if my behavior made you sad. It's unintentional, and you didn't deserve to be treated that way. Honestly, I'm thankful for you taking care of me," I explained, hoping Becky would understand the complexity of my situation.

Becky, with a smile, nodded in understanding, and I felt a wave of relief wash over her. The misunderstanding seemed to be resolved, and I appreciated Becky's willingness to accept without probing further.

For me, revealing vulnerability was a struggle, especially with someone I cared so deeply about. "Thank you for being understanding, Becky," I expressed, taking a cue from Becky's comforting demeanor as we cuddled, both silently enjoying the beauty of the sunset.

Becky, Freen, Irin, and Noey decided to join the lantern festival, a prominent event in Pattaya city. The festival, known for its tradition of releasing lanterns into the sky to make wishes come true, promised a night filled with activities. Despite her reservations, Becky was concerned about Freen's dark phobia and the potential overwhelming experience of an outdoor night event.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay? It's at night," Becky asked, expressing her worry.

Freen nodded, assuring Becky that she would be fine. "It's okay. I'll get through it. Besides, it's my first time participating in this festival. I've heard that it fulfills wishes, and I have a lot to share!" Freen said excitedly, her enthusiasm apparent.

Becky, still skeptical about the myth surrounding wish fulfillment, replied, "It's just a tradition; people do it for the sake of it."

Noey chimed in, offering reassurance. "But there's no harm in going to the festival. I'm sure Freen will be okay, especially with us around to take care of her."

Trying to convince Becky further, Freen added, "You're treating me like a baby. I'm sure it'll be fine." Eventually, Becky nodded in agreement, agreeing to attend the night event, albeit with some lingering doubts.

Becky POV

The concern for Freen's well-being weighed heavily on my mind as she insisted on attending the lantern festival at night. After learning about her nyctophobia and understanding the potential challenges she might face in such an environment, I couldn't help but worry about her safety.

"Are you sure it's going to be okay? The festival is at night," I asked Freen, my concern evident in my voice. However, Freen remained resolute in her decision to partake in the festival.

Despite my worries, I eventually nodded in agreement, allowing Freen to join the nighttime event. I couldn't bear to see the disappointment in her eyes after my initial hesitation. "I'm totally down bad with you, Freen," I thought, recognizing the lengths I was willing to go to support her, even if it meant overcoming my concerns. The excitement among our friends grew as they anticipated Freen's participation in the festival.

Becky, Freen, Irin, and Noey immersed themselves in the lantern festival, captivated by the vibrant atmosphere filled with lights, music, and lively crowds. The enthusiasm of the festival took them by surprise, adding to their excitement.

Becky, Freen, Irin, and Noey immersed themselves in the lively atmosphere of the lantern festival. The vibrant environment, filled with lights, music, and excited people, added to their enthusiasm. Amidst the crowd, Becky was quick to secure Freen, holding her hand tightly to ensure she wouldn't get lost.

"Hold my hand tight and tell me if the surroundings make you feel uncomfortable or anxious," Becky said, showing her concern for Freen's well-being. Freen nodded, appreciating Becky's attentive care.

Noey and Irin had ventured ahead, giving Freen and Becky some time together. They wandered around the festival, and Freen expressed her wish to release a lantern into the sky. As the lantern ascended, Freen's face lit up with wonder, capturing Becky's attention.

"You sure have a lot of wishes; I can see that," Becky remarked, observing Freen's fascination with the lantern floating skyward.

Freen met Becky's gaze and confessed, "Yeah, it's a lot, and most of my wishes are all about you."

Intrigued, Becky inquired, "Your wishes involve me? Do you have something to share about them?"

Freen, playfully, responded, "It's not called wishes; it's me telling you. Consider it an order."

Becky, intrigued by Freen's mysterious wishes, suggested, "If your wishes involve me, how about I help fulfill them for you?" She whispered to Freen with a meaningful smile, attempting to flirt.

Freen, caught off guard by Becky's playful approach, blushed intensely, causing her nose to bleed. Reacting quickly, Becky wiped the blood from Freen's nose, ensuring her comfort.

Freen POV

Feeling happy with Becky's attentive treatment, I realized that our misunderstanding had started to dissolve. Opening up about my condition seemed worth it, as Becky displayed understanding and care. "You are literally a caring and understanding person I ever know," I thought, my misjudgment of Becky becoming apparent. As lanterns lit up the sky, I made wishes, most of them revolving around Becky and our growing closeness.

Becky, intrigued, asked about my wishes, and I replied with a playful remark about not sharing them. She chuckled, then unexpectedly closed the proximity between us, whispering flirtatiously. "If your wishes mostly consist of me, then I don't mind fulfilling them for you," she teased, winking. Surprised by Becky's boldness, I blushed and, unbeknownst to me, my nose started bleeding from the intensity of the moment. Trying to act normal, I was caught off guard, and Becky, noticing my discomfort, worriedly offered a handkerchief. In that moment, I couldn't help but think, "What a shame," as I grappled with the unexpected turn of events.

Oh my god I'm starting to have writer block again 🫠.. it's suckkk

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