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Freen POV

Frustration welled up inside me as I assessed the turned events, realizing the urgent need to resolve the misunderstanding between Becky and me. The woman standing beside me maintained an air of innocence, refusing to acknowledge any guilt. Anger surged through me as I faced her, demanding answers.

"Who are you actually? And why did you intervene in the relationship between me and Becky?" I questioned, my tone betraying the frustration and confusion within.

Jane, as she introduced herself, seemed unapologetic. "If you didn't toy with my feelings, none of this would have happened. You and your friend are responsible for this. I can't believe how much it hurts to know I've been lied to by both of you," she accused, her words cutting through the tense air.

Attempting to diffuse the situation, I asserted, "Look, I apologize for your situation, but you don't have to act like this in front of my partner. She might misunderstand."

Jane's response was far from remorseful. "Yeah, that's my intention anyway—for making me suffer from your actions," she declared, leaving me sighing deeply at the complexity of the situation.

Seeking a resolution, I proposed, "So what do you want? Money? How much? I will pay you to clear this situation." But before I could finish, I found myself slapped by an enraged Jane. The shock of her outburst left me speechless, witnessing her tears.

"I waited for so long to be acknowledged by someone I know I would deserve, but your disgusting behavior sickens me. At the same time, it intrigues me. I like you, and I want to get to know you," Jane confessed, determination in her eyes.

Realizing the gravity of her feelings, I mustered a sincere response. "No, I'm sorry, but I've already fallen in love with someone. No matter what happens, I will fight for it. I appreciate your feelings, but I'm sorry, I already have someone." The truth, delivered gently yet firmly, hung in the air as I navigated the complexities of emotions surrounding me.

Jane POV

As Jane, in her melodramatic state, processed the rejection, little did she know that Freen was already committed to someone else, and it certainly wasn't her. I couldn't help but secretly admire Freen, collecting the courage to confess my feelings while tears streamed down my face.

Caught in the act of shedding emotional tears, I found Freen looking guilty and attempting to salvage the situation by offering me a handkerchief. "Don't cry. I apologize for my behavior. You're pretty, and I'm sure there are plenty of people who would deserve you," Freen said, hoping to bring some semblance of enlightenment to the awkward  unfolding.

However, my emotional turmoil seemed to escalate rather than subside. "I couldn't hate you if you were like this... It's so hard," I sobbed, making Freen more panicked by the second.

As my tears echoed through the surroundings, drawing the attention of onlookers, Freen found herself in a comically awkward situation. Not knowing how to handle the emotional outburst, Freen desperately reached for her phone and dialed P, Seoul, hoping for a  rescue from this misunderstanding.

Amidst the chaos, I continued clinging to Freen, muttering about my rejected love, unknowingly turning the whole scene into a comical spectacle. The unexpected twist of events left everyone perplexed, wondering how a simple confession could spiral into such a hilarious mess.

In the aftermath of the revelation, Jane found herself caught in an emotional whirlwind. P,Seoul, desperate to salvage the connection they had forged amidst the deception, poured his heart out to her.

"No... I won't forgive you... you lied to me," Jane declared, her voice laced with both hurt and anger.

P,Seoul, his eyes reflecting sincerity, pleaded, "Please... you are the only one that matters... I know at first it was just a test for me and a stupid escape plan for Freen. But after getting to know you... it's different. You are the one who made my heart beat."

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