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Becky POV

As I watched Freen enter the guest room to spend the night, excitement bubbled within me. Deciding to take advantage of the situation, I hurriedly ran to the bathroom, eager to freshen up and maybe impress Freen a little. Applying some simple makeup, I hoped it would add a touch of charm to my appearance.

Venturing to the kitchen to grab some snacks, I encountered Richie, who was busy raiding the fridge. His observant eyes caught something different about my appearance.

"Beck, did you wear some makeup tonight?" Richie inquired, making me playfully deny any involvement with makeup. "This is natural. It's past bedtime, and I definitely didn't wear makeup," I retorted with a grin.

However, Richie persisted, noting the subtle changes in my appearance, teasingly suggesting that I seemed like I was trying to impress someone . I busied myself with grabbing a bunch of snacks from the kitchen, much to Richie's dismay.

But that's a lot of snacks. Leave me some," Richie said as I playfully, taking a handful of snacks, not sparing any for him.

Richie then added a surprising detail about Freen's preferences. "Freen loves these snacks; she even requested them," he claimed, making me wonder how Richie knew about Freen's snack preferences. Before I could question him further, Richie playfully snatched the snacks back.

I'm just joking, Bec. You're falling too hard for her," Richie teased.
His teasing continued as he playfully accused me of falling too hard for Freen.

Before I could react, Richie snatched a snack from my hand, causing me to blush. He then dropped a bombshell, revealing that Dad and he planned to spend a considerable amount of time with Freen, catching up on various things. As a protective older brother, Richie advised me not to disturb them, ensuring Freen had a good time.

One more thing, Dad and I plan to take her for a long time. There's a lot we want to catch up on, so don't disturb us. We want our precious time with her,"

Although caught off guard, I couldn't deny the warmth I felt knowing that Freen had seemingly made a positive impression on my family, especially Richie. As I prepared for the night, I looked forward to what it might bring, secretly hoping for more moments with Freen.

Freen couldn't help but look forward to spending time with Mr. Armstrong and Richie, finding it fun to engage in activities that offered a different perspective on Becky's family and their business ventures. During their discussions, Mr. Armstrong inquired about Becky's behavior during the trip.

"Did Becky trouble you a lot during the trip?" he asked.

Freen shook her head and replied, "No, she took care of me. I'm very grateful to have her in my life."

Richie couldn't resist teasing. "Wow, look at the lovebirds. Okay, enough with your love story. Let's continue our business discussion and have some fun, shall we?" he suggested while pouring wine for Freen.Wanting to stay sober, Freen faked sipping her drink and discreetly disposed of it.

Anticipating the eagerness to meet Becky, Freen subtly checked the time. After three hours of discussions and wine, Richie and Mr. Armstrong were drunk, occasionally dozing off together. Freen took it upon herself to ensure they slept properly. She tucked a blanket over them and silently left the room, heading towards Becky's.

As Freen approached Becky's room, she hoped Becky was still awake. She knocked softly, but there was no response. Assuming Becky had already fallen asleep, Freen began to turn away. Just as she did, Becky, still half-asleep, mumbled something about Richie.

Freen chuckled softly, enjoying the adorable sight of a groggy Becky. However, as Becky fully awoke, she was shocked and let out a loud gasp. Quick on her feet, Freen quietly covered Becky's mouth, gesturing for her to be quiet.

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