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Freen POV

As I slowly opened my eyes, the gentle light filtering into the room revealed Becky still peacefully sleeping beside me, wrapped in the warmth of our shared embrace. A sense of guilt washed over me, knowing that my actions the previous night had likely kept her up late. Yet, her understanding of my condition brought a sense of relief, and I couldn't help but appreciate her even more.

With a soft touch, I brushed away a stray strand of Becky's hair, careful not to disturb her peaceful slumber. The room held a tranquil atmosphere, a stark contrast to the turmoil within me during the nightmares that plagued my past. The temptation to kiss her lingered, especially as I watched her chest rise and fall with each serene breath.

Reaching for my phone, I contacted the hotel's receptionist to arrange for breakfast to be delivered to our room. "Thanks to you," I whispered to Becky's sleeping form, "I managed to have a restful night without the usual nightmares or medication." A genuine smile touched my lips as I admired the serenity that accompanied a night of undisturbed sleep.

As I prepared to get up and freshen up in the bathroom, a soft moan escaped Becky's lips, her unconscious call of my name tugging at my heartstrings. I decided to let her continue her peaceful sleep, adjusting the blanket over her form. The temptation to shower her with affection grew, especially as I gazed at her collarbone, a reminder of the intimate moments we shared the night before.

Despite the lingering desire, I shook my head, reminding myself that it wasn't the appropriate time to indulge in such actions. Becky deserved to rest, and I intended to let her enjoy that serenity as I quietly made my way to the bathroom.

Becky POV

As I slowly opened my eyes, I was greeted by the sight of a beautifully arranged breakfast on the bedside table. Freen's smiling face appeared, and a sense of relief washed over me, knowing that she seemed much better than the night before, and more importantly, she looked genuinely happy.

"Did you order breakfast?" I asked, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Before I could fully process the situation, Freen surprised me by scooping me up in her arms, holding me in a bridal carry. "What are you doing?" I exclaimed, genuinely taken aback by her sudden move.

"Taking care of you," Freen replied with a smile. "You endured so much taking care of me last night. It's only fair that I return the favor. So, where to? Bathroom or the dining room?"

I couldn't help but burst into laughter at her playful gesture. "Silly, it's just a few steps. I don't need to be carried around like a princess," I teased, lightly hitting Freen's chest.

Freen played along, pouting like a child. "Well, I was just joking anyway," she said, closing the gap between us, hinting at another kiss. Before she could make a move, I quickly dodged, insisting, "No, let me wash up first. I probably have morning breath, and you want to kiss me? Put me down."

Freen immediately complied, setting me down with a playful sulking expression. I chuckled at her antics as I made my way to the bathroom. Once inside, I couldn't help but reflect on the tingling sensation that Freen's actions stirred within me. Perhaps it was true-I was starting to develop genuine feelings for her.

As Freen and Becky headed to the hotel lobby to check out, there was an air of tension surrounding them. They were reluctant to end their time together, knowing that this trip had deepened their connection. Freen graciously took Becky's luggage, intending to load it into her car.

Noey and Irin, also checking out at the same time, noticed Freen's condition from the previous night. Concerned, Noey offered to drive them, not wanting Freen to handle the stress of driving in her current state. Freen, however, subtly signaled to Noey, expressing her desire to spend more time with Becky.

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