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As the sun gently streamed through the curtains, Richie and his family gathered around the breakfast table, a sense of warmth and togetherness filling the room. Richie, bubbling with excitement, couldn't wait to share the good news.

"I got the deal, guys," Richie exclaimed, a wide grin on his face. "It's a game-changer for our startup. We've secured the support of a large company that's going to boost our profits. I can't believe how much they liked the deal, and I can already picture the incredible influence it'll have on our company when we kick off this project."

Richie grinned, feeling a sense of accomplishment and the warmth of his family's support. They continued their meal, laughter and joy filling the room.

Curiosity piqued, Becky, Richie's sister, couldn't help but probe for more information about her brother's recent trip to Chiang Mai. "So, is that why you've been in Chiang Mai these days?" she asked, trying to uncover the intentions behind Richie's travels, especially considering she had seen him there recently without his knowledge.

Richie nodded, eager to share his experiences. "Yeah, I had a meeting there in the evening, and the next night, I wandered around Chiang Mai. It's a beautiful city, you know. You should visit, Bec," he suggested, unaware of the turmoil within his sister.

Becky forced a smile, hiding her true feelings, and continued her inquiry, intrigued by Richie's mystery business partner. "I'm glad you achieved this, Richie. Who is your business partner, actually?" she asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

Richie chuckled, appreciating his sister's curiosity. "Don't worry, you'll meet her at our launching dinner soon. She's a very credible businesswoman, and it's astonishing how much she's achieved at such a young age," he said, leaving Becky even more intrigued about the woman who had captured her brother's attention.

As Irin parked her car in front of the shopping mall, Noey turned to her with a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Babe, I know it's a short date for us because I have something to do with my friends, but I can't help but miss you more," Noey confessed.

Irin understood, giving Noey an affectionate hug. "I feel the same way. Can't wait to see you again. Tell me everything about your day, and have fun with your gang," Irin said, her smile warm and understanding.

Noey held the embrace tightly, not wanting to let go. Her eyes met Irin's, and a playful idea crossed her mind. Irin raised an eyebrow, and with a smirk, she asked for a kiss, her mouth puckering up.

Noey chuckled at the request but couldn't resist her girlfriend's charm. She leaned in and planted a sweet kiss on Irin's waiting lips. Their affectionate moment, however, didn't go unnoticed.

Unbeknownst to them, Freen had been observing the entire scene, her irritation apparent on her face. "Enough with the lovey-dovey. It's making me want to puke," Freen interjected, clearly annoyed.

Noey and Irin pulled away from their kiss, their cheeks tinged with blush as they looked at Freen in surprise. Without further comment, Freen headed outside, seemingly irritated by their display of affection.

Curious, Irin turned to Noey and asked, "Is she always like this?"

Noey reassured her, "Don't worry, it's just her way. She might be a bit jealous of us, that's all," she said with a wink, lightening the mood as they prepared to part ways for the day.

Freen POV

Frustration gnawed at me, my mind a tumultuous whirlwind of thoughts about the recent accidents in my life. My thoughts kept drifting to Becky, her presence haunting my thoughts and leaving me restless. Seeking an escape, I decided to hang out with my friends, hoping it would provide some solace for the turmoil in my heart.

As we gathered at the cafe, Nam noticed Noey and me arriving together. Nam commented on our arrival, teasingly asking if we were going together. I scoffed, attempting to make light of my own feelings, "Not at all. I just witnessed the most bewildering moment of my life, and it's freaking me out."

Noey, perceptive as ever, chimed in, "Just admit it, Freen. You're jealous. Maybe if you had a partner, you'd understand the moments between Irin and me."

I rolled my eyes, annoyed at Noey's remark. "Whatever," I muttered, attempting to brush off the comment and focus on the present moment.

Surprisingly, my time with my friends did help calm the turmoil in my heart. We shared jokes and moments, and for a while, I managed to forget about my inner struggles. But as I stepped outside to take a call from my employees, my attention was snagged by a sight that twisted my emotions.

There was Becky, laughing and engrossed in conversation with a man I didn't recognize. Jealousy stabbed at my heart as I tried to call her, only to be ignored. Confusion and hurt mingled within me, realizing that she had lied and rejected me for someone else.

"This is the reason you rejected and lied to me, Becky," I thought bitterly, my determination hardening. "I won't let you go."

But amidst my jealousy and determination, a different feeling began to stir - confusion about my own emotions. "I hate this feeling," I whispered to myself, my frustration mounting.

Back at the cafe, I sought solace in a glass of wine, hoping to drown my confusion and jealousy. I knew my friends would find my behavior strange, but in that moment, I needed the distraction, even if it meant resorting to alcohol to forget about Becky.

The evening was supposed to be a casual get-together among friends, but it took an unexpected turn when Freen, who usually held her liquor well, began ordering alcohol relentlessly. Heng, concerned about his friend, attempted to intervene, leaning in and saying, "Freen, you should take it slowly. What's wrong with you?"

Freen, however, gave him a stern look and poured herself another glass of wine, ignoring the concern in her friend's eyes. Nam and Tipsky exchanged puzzled glances, unable to understand why Freen was suddenly drinking so much.

As the night wore on, Freen's friends grew increasingly alarmed as she became visibly drunk. They knew they had to get her home safely. Struggling to manage her inebriation, they guided Freen to the car, where she began to express her emotions in a drunken, unfiltered manner.

"Why is she not looking at me in that way?" Freen slurred, her voice tinged with frustration and longing. "I hate this feeling, like I can't stop thinking about her."

Her friends shared a knowing look, realizing that Freen was talking about someone named Becky, who seemed to occupy her thoughts and emotions in a way that had left Freen emotionally vulnerable. They continued to help Freen into the car, their concern deepening as they drove her back home, hoping she would find some clarity in the morning.

Becky was elated as she finally had the chance to go on a date with her crush, Nop. They had both been so busy with their lives, and the prospect of spending time together filled her with excitement. She gazed at Nop with affection in her eyes as they chatted.

"So, how's your acting job been lately?" Becky inquired, her gaze filled with warmth.

Nop's eyes lit up, and he held her hand tightly. "It's been going really well. I even got an offer from a big production for my first film. I'm incredibly excited about it. Thank you, Becky, for recommending me to your father's friend, the producer. I don't know where my life would be without you."

Becky smiled, her support for Nop's career unwavering. She had always believed in him and was thrilled to see him succeeding.

However, their moment was interrupted by a call from Freen. Becky, hesitating for a moment, chose to ignore it, leaving Nop looking puzzled.

"Why didn't you answer your phone?" Nop asked, noticing that Becky seemed restless as she stared at her phone.

Becky quickly brushed it off with a lie, "It was just a scammer; that's why I ignored it." She couldn't help but wonder why Freen was calling her at that moment.

As Becky and Nop bid their goodbyes, she couldn't help but notice a commotion in the mall parking lot. Noey was trying to help her drunk friend, who was causing a scene. Becky observed from a distance, deciding not to intervene in their situation, as she knew it was better to let Noey handle it.

Have a nice day everyone

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