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Irin and Becky met up after Irin heard the shocking news about Becky having a partner. Irin wanted to understand the situation better, especially concerning Freen's involvement in Becky's life.

"Bec, I didn't expect her to go this far. The way she's planning all this, it seems she's pretty obsessed with you," Irin said sympathetically, offering Becky a drink to calm her down.

Becky sighed, her frustration evident. "I know, right? My instincts were right all along. Now I'm stuck with her, and my family is already influenced by her, convinced that we're a couple," she said, taking a sip of her drink.

Irin offered her support by listening to Becky's rant about Freen. Suddenly, Becky's face lit up as she remembered something else. "Oh, by the way, what about Nop? Does he know about all of this?" she asked Irin.

"We barely contact nowadays because he's busy shooting, but I want to visit his shooting location tomorrow to surprise him," Becky added, her smile radiant at the thought of seeing her longtime crush.

Irin hesitated before speaking. "Actually, there's something I want to tell you," she said, catching Becky's attention. "Do you remember Faye, your schoolmate?" Irin asked.

"Oh, that girl who once tried to get close to Nop," Becky recalled. "Why?" she inquired, curious about Irin's line of questioning.

"I heard rumors that she might be Nop's girlfriend, and there are a lot of pictures from paparazzi showing them spending time together," Irin explained, making Becky gulp nervously at the unpredictable truth.

Becky tried to downplay the situation, dismissing it as mere rumors. "Irin, it might just be gossip. Nop is a charming person; surely, they're just friends. I won't believe anything until I see it with my own eyes or hear confirmation from him," she said, trying to reassure herself.

Irin, however, wasn't convinced. "Bec, I know you like him, but there's a limit. Have you ever heard any confirmation from him about your relationship? He might be taking advantage of you if he thinks it benefits him," Irin warned, her concern evident.

"I trust him, Irin. I won't believe anything until I hear it from him directly. I trust him not to do anything like that. I need confirmation before jumping to conclusions," Becky said, her voice resolute, though Irin's words left her with a sense of unease. Irin sighed, feeling frustrated by Becky's blind trust in Nop, but she chose not to push the matter further for now.

Irin sighed and said, "Suit yourself, Becky. I just wanted to warn you, but you seem blinded by your feelings for him."

Becky fell silent, her heart torn between her trust in Nop and the doubts Irin had raised.

Becky POV

I was filled with excitement as I approached Nop's shooting location, eager to surprise him with some heartwarming food and show my support for his work. But as I walked towards his fitting room, I heard laughter-Nop's laughter, mingling with a girl's. Curiosity turned to heartbreak as I opened the door, revealing Nop and the girl lost in their moment, oblivious to my presence.

My heart shattered. "Nop with someone else? That girl is not his co-star, and there's no way they're rehearsing in such an intimate way," I thought, trying to make sense of what I was seeing.

As I attempted to retreat, my grip on the food slipped, causing it to fall and draw their attention. They turned their heads, and I couldn't believe my eyes. "Faye?!" I gasped, recognizing her as my former schoolmate, recalling the bitter way our friendship had ended when I got close to Nop.

Faye smiled, her eyes locking onto my reaction, while she clung to Nop, claiming him as hers. Nop stood there, silent and guilty, unable to meet my eyes. Faye approached, holding Nop's hand possessively, as she greeted me with false cheerfulness. "Long time no see, Bec. How have you been?"

I couldn't hide my curiosity. "Faye, why are you here? It's not like you work here," I asked, my voice tinged with suspicion. Nop remained silent, seemingly lost in his thoughts.

Faye took the opportunity to clarify, her voice dripping with enthusiasm. "Babe, you didn't tell her? Okay, let me explain. Nop and I are officially together now, right, Nop?" she said, her tone sweet and loving. "He's so sweet, he even proposed to me in front of everyone to show his love."

My heart sank, and a bitter smile tugged at my lips. "Congratulations, guys. I never thought my friend Nop could be such a sweet person," I said, my words laced with heartbreak and disappointment, as I turned away, leaving behind the shattered pieces of my feelings for him.

As Becky walked away from the truth revelation of Nop's infidelity and his indecision about their relationship, the rain poured hard around her, but she paid no attention to it, lost in her heartbreak and confusion. Tears streamed down her face as she continued to move further away from Nop's shooting location.

Amidst the rain, memories of her time with Nop began to flood her mind. She remembered the moment when she had decided to fall in love with him. Nop had been her pillar of support as she pursued her dream of studying law, even as her father insisted she follow in his footsteps as a businesswoman.

"I'm not interested in business, Nop," Becky had told him. "My father keeps persuading me to be like him, but I don't want that. I want to be a lawyer."

Nop had smiled warmly, patting her head, his support unwavering. Nop had been so supportive, encouraging her dream of becoming a lawyer even when her father pressured her to join the family business. Nop made her feel seen and valued for who she was.

"Be brave, Becky. Show your father that your passion is to be a lawyer, and I'm sure you're going to be a great one," he had encouraged her.

But now, those moments of unwavering support and love were shattered by the painful reality of Nop being officially together with Faye, a betrayal that cut Becky deeply. The rain continued to pour, mirroring the storm inside her heart as she walked away, the weight of her emotions heavy and overwhelming.

Freen POV

Feeling a sense of curiosity and concern, I couldn't help but find it strange when I saw Becky's name flash across my phone's screen. I was in the midst of work, but the fact that she was calling piqued my interest, so I hastily answered.

"Hello?" I said, not knowing what to expect on the other end of the line.

To my surprise, instead of a casual greeting, I heard Becky's voice, filled with sobs and frustration. She ranted about Nop, her words punctuated by tears. I couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion, and I checked the phone number to confirm it was indeed Becky.

"Are you okay?" I asked, my concern growing with each passing word.

Becky's response was heartbreaking. "It's hurt, Irin... Nop betrayed me, and the fact that he keeps silence about it makes it seem like he doesn't care about me. You were right, Irin, after all... he's not in love. It was just me caring about him, the foolish one who kept chasing after him."

I could hear in her voice that something was terribly wrong. "Where are you exactly?" I inquired, sensing that Becky might not be in the best state of mind.

"I'm at the bar," Becky slurred, and I knew instantly that she must have been drinking.

"Stay right there, Becky. Don't go anywhere. I'll come to you," I assured her, a growing sense of worry taking hold.

Becky chuckled softly before ending the call. As I hung up, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of concern for Becky and a determination to help her through this difficult moment.

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