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Becky groggily woke up the next morning, her phone still in her hand. She glanced at the screen, her eyes widening in surprise as she saw the call duration: 3 hours. "Three hours?" she muttered, completely astonished that she had been on the phone with Freen for that long. Her mind wandered back to the conversation they had, Freen's desperate tone lingering in her thoughts. "What could be troubling her so much?" Becky wondered, a flicker of empathy for Freen's struggles seeping in.

Shaking off the lingering thoughts, Becky realized she was running late for her class. She hurriedly got ready, her mind still preoccupied with the mysterious call. "Is she really in trouble?" she muttered to herself, contemplating the possibility.

In her haste, Becky made her way to the car, where her brother Richie was waiting. "Richie, please send me to class ASAP. I'm running really late," she said, urgency lacing her tone as she glanced at the time.

Richie, always the teasing older brother, smirked at her. "You seem to be in big trouble, getting late for class, huh?" he teased, earning a playful hit on his shoulder from Becky.

"Come on, I really need to hurry to class," Becky said, a hint of irritation in her voice.

"Say please," Richie continued to tease, enjoying his sister's reaction.

Rolling her eyes, Becky played along, albeit begrudgingly. "My beloved brother, could you please send your beautiful sister to college? She's running terribly late, please," she said, adding a dramatic pout to her expression.

Richie burst into laughter, thoroughly amused by Becky's antics. Satisfied with her response, he started the car's engine, ready to drive her to college. Becky sighed, a mix of irritation and amusement on her face. Little did she know, the events of that morning's phone call would linger in her mind, leaving her curious and concerned about Freen's well-being.

Freen POV

The morning sun streamed through my bedroom window, casting a warm, golden glow across the room. I blinked away the remnants of sleep and stretched, feeling more rested than I had in a long time. Surprisingly, I had been able to sleep well last night without the crutch of a sleep pill, a small victory that felt like a giant leap forward.

As I lay in bed, the memories of last night flooded back, and I couldn't help but smile. The presence of Becky in my life had brought about a profound change in me. It was fascinating how her simple act of answering the phone in the middle of the night had made all the difference. She had been my anchor, my lifeline when I was drowning in the darkness of my own fears.

I couldn't help but think back to our conversation. Becky's soothing words, her understanding, and her willingness to stay on the phone with me for hours had calmed the storms raging inside me. Her friendship was a beacon of light in the darkest of nights, and I was grateful beyond words for her.

I reached for my phone and checked the call duration. It had been three hours straight that we had talked before I was finally able to drift into a peaceful sleep, free from the nightmares that had haunted me for so long. Three hours that had felt like a lifetime in the best possible way.

As I lay there, basking in the warmth of the morning sun and the newfound sense of peace within me, I couldn't help but feel hopeful. Maybe, just maybe, with Becky by my side, I could finally conquer the demons of my past, find healing, and embrace the prospect of a future where sleepless nights and haunting nightmares were nothing more than distant memories.

Becky POV

I had just finished a challenging test with Yha, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that I had managed to answer the questions correctly. Yha, on the other hand, was not in the best mood. She complained about the difficulty of the questions, even though we had studied the topic.

"Yha, we did study it, but you just skimmed through the material. It's all about the Act," I tried to explain, but she interrupted me.

"Enough, I don't want to think about it. I'm in a bad mood. Let's go eat," she said, clearly wanting to change the subject.

I laughed at her attitude and agreed, and we headed to the cafeteria. As we walked, my phone suddenly rang with Freen's number. I was shocked and knew I needed privacy for this call.

"What?" I answered, feeling a mix of surprise and apprehension.

Freen's voice came through, explaining that she was going to Chiang Mai for work and would visit me after her work was done. She suggested we meet at my place for dinner at 8 pm. I was taken aback by the suddenness of her plans and stammered, "I'm quite busy with work."

Freen, with a hint of frustration, reminded me of our previous agreement, "Just remember our deal. Didn't you agree to go on a date with me?"

I tried to calm myself down. "It's not me who initiated this deal, it was you," I thought but didn't say aloud. Freen continued, "Then, tomorrow at your place. I'll pick you up."

I hesitated for a moment but finally said, "No, let me decide the place."

Freen agreed, ending the call. I was left with mixed emotions. It seemed I couldn't back out of this agreement, and I realized that I might have to book a ticket to Chiang Mai, as Freen had requested. Annoyed and feeling somewhat trapped, I sighed, realizing that I had no choice but to go along with this unexpected turn of events.

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