*chapter nineteen*

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The blonde guy came back the next day, and the day after, and the day after that. Every time without his friend though and every time choosing to sit in my section. I learned that his name was Ryan. I can't lie that it made me kind of giddy, the thought that he was coming in just to see me that he liked me. I was eighteen, never been on a date, never had a first kiss, never...well I had but not by choice. But with him, with him it could be by choice if he liked me like that, if we dated for a while. My mind wandered while I watched the door wait for him to come in again.

"Hey there cutie." Ryan said taking a seat at the counter, I turned around and smiled at him.

"Hi. Want the usual?" I said trying not to seem too eager.

"Yes ma'am. What're you doing tonight?"

"Tonight?" I looked at him a little funny.

"Yes, I thought we could go see a movie. Maybe get some dinner after?"

"Like...like a date?"

"Exactly like a date."

I thought for a moment shuffling around with the cups and the coffee pot in front of me, having never been asked out I didn't know what to respond. But it could be fun, and he was really kind. Fuck it.

"I'd like that."

"Great, should I pick you up or meet you?"

"I'll meet you."

"They're showing Top Gun at the Riverfield theater tonight at 7. Does that work?"

I nodded, and went back to work. We kept talking in between me taking tables. Ryan was funny and really patient, and  I appreciated it.

"See you tonight Joni." Ryan said walking out the door.

I couldn't help but smile, and continued to do so until I turned around to see Nancy there with a quizzical look on her face.


Her face softened, but her arms stayed crossed, "What about Paul?"

Now I was the one with the confused look, "What about Paul?"

"I thought you two were dating."

"Uh no. Paul doesn't see me like that, he's just a good friend."

"Honey, you have to be blind if you think he doesn't like you. I see the way he looks at you."

"He doesn't look at me like that. He just looks at me, the same way he looks at you."

"Okay, what about the hugs and hand holding?"

"It's for comfort. There's no way a guy like Paul, all cool and confident and sure of himself would like me. He treats me the same way all the other guys do. He's never even asked me out."

"Mhmm." Nancy said, still looking at me kind of funny but proceeded to walk off anyway.

Of course today being one of the few days she comes in for the morning shift, she's here to question my decisions. What an asinine idea she had that Paul could like me.

My shift passed and I rushed home. I had hours to get ready but I felt so excited and anxious that I just couldn't put it off. I took a shower and spent an hour trying to find an outfit. Settling on some skinny jeans, a longsleeve, a cardigan and some shorter brown combat books. I reentered the house to do my hair and make up when I ran into Seth.

"What're you dressed up for?" He asked from the table, stuffing his face with food as usual.

"I have a date tonight."

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