*chapter thirty-seven*

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"I wonder what her colors are." Kim said excitedly.

"Her flowers too. The invitation looked so fancy, I bet the whole ceremony is just beautiful." Emily replied.

The two of them were going back and forth about wedding this and wedding that, though we hadn't all been invited to Bella's wedding, for obvious reasons, it was still all they wanted to talk about. Seth had been invited, and he had opted to go because he liked them, and Sam agreed due to the lingering chance that Jacob would be there.
We were sitting at the kitchen table, my bad leg up on one chair and the two of them across from me. The boys had gone to the beach to burn off some of their anxious energy and the two of them had decided to stay with me so I wouldn't be left out. Crutches and the beach really didn't seem like a good combination.

I was mentally begging for them to choose a different topic, anything else. I had nothing against weddings, I think the idea of marriage is beautiful and wholesome as a thought, but weddings seemed like a giant party for no reason. More stress and money than it was worth. Plus the realization that I would never have a dad to walk me down the aisle, or any supportive family at all, definitely damped my thoughts about the whole thing too.

"I want roses for mine and Sam's wedding. Lots of them. I know it's cheesy and typical but I love them."

Kim nodded, "I think it'd be so pretty. What about your dress? Ball gown? Or fitted?"

"Fitted maybe? Something lacy and longsleeve. I can't wait for us to set a date I've picked out so many things but can't buy them yet." Emily said, stars in her eyes and she moved the spoon around in her coffee.

The door opened and the boys came running in and laughing. I looked at Paul with pleading eyes in a desperate attempt to get him to save me from this conversation. He said down next to me placing a kiss on my forehead.

"What are you guys talking about in here?" Sam asked as he hugged Emily, giving her a kiss too.

"Our dream weddings." Kim replied excitedly, making Jared choke on his cookie right beside her.

Sam chuckled, "I should've guessed. One wedding and suddenly all the girls are wedding crazy."

"You too?" Paul asked me taking my hand in his.

I shook my head, "Not me. Seems to be that I'm the only one who hasn't caught the wedding bug."

"Yeah she's boringgg." Kim teased.

"Am not," I said with a small laugh, "just not my thing."

"Oh come on, every little girl has a dream of her perfect wedding. Her prince charming, her dream dress, her bouquet and first dance song." Kim swooned.

It was obvious by just the looks on her and Emily's faces that I was the odd ball. But I couldn't even bring myself to pretend.

"I guess not every little girl," I replied and shrugged.

The subject quickly changed and I had never been more grateful. Eventually Paul and I found ourselves in our usual spot on the bench at the front of the house. I rested my head on his shoulders, watching as the boys tossed a ball back and forth in the driveway.

"So...no dream weddings huh?" Paul asked playfully nudging me, ruining the peacefulness.

"Not you too."

He laughed a little, "So no marriage then?"

"I'm not opposed to marriage, just no wedding."

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