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"You look absolutely beautiful Em! Prettiest bride ever." I yelled excitedly as she walked out in her dress.

It'd been a long few months of planning the wedding for her and Sam. Endless discussions about center pieces, guest lists, the lights for the beach, how to get the lights hung, what color suits for the boys to wear, and so much more. But the day had come, everything Emily had picked out was perfectly planned and orchestrated to give the wedding of her dreams.

"Thank you Joni." Emily said while smiling. She stared at herself in the long mirror, pushing back the curls off her shoulders to get the full effect. She'd decided on an off the shoulder, long white, fitted dress with lace. I really did think she was the most beautiful bride ever. Certainly the most beautiful one I'd seen.

"Is it weird," she said turning to me and her bridesmaids, "that I'm nervous? I've been with Sam so long I didn't know this day would really come."

Her sister laughed, "I was nervous for mine too. Just keep your chin up, look at him as you walk down the aisle and don't trip."

"No guarantees on the no tripping." Emily joked.

I settled myself down in the chair, taking a break from being on my feet. My belly was huge now, a little over six months along, and baby Lahote was kicking my ass. But I knew they'd be worth it.

Emily stood there on the beach holding Sam's hand, looking happier than I've ever seen her.

"Sam," she began, her voice already cracking, "you've been my rock over the years. My biggest support, my strength and my best friend. We've built a beautiful life together, surrounded by the most amazing people and created our own family. Words can never express how grateful I am to wake up everyday knowing I get to kiss you, hold you, and love you from here to forever. As we take this step together and become husband and wife, know that there will never come a day where I don't choose you. Over anything and everything else, through good and bad, and the endless amount of jean shorts. I'm yours forever."

I never thought I'd see the big, tough Sam Uley cry but there he was with tears in his eyes at her words.

"Emily...Knowing you, and loving you has been the greatest adventure of my life. Out of the millions of people on this planet, I can say with absolute certainty that you're the only one for me. You've brought warmth and kindness into my life and into the lives of everyone around you. I've loved every moment we've gotten to spend together, and I will cherish every moment that is to come. Thank you...and I'm yours forever."

Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones, or the way the sun was hitting behind them just right providing a spotlight on this usually cloudy place, but I couldn't hold back the tears.

"Do you Emily Young take Sam Uley to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The man in black asked with a smile on his face.

Emily smiled, squeezing Sam's hand, "I do."

"And do you Sam Uley, take Emily Young to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Sam replied with the biggest smile on his face.

"Then by the power invested in me by the state of Washington, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

The tears kept coming as I watched them, knowing their love ran as deep as the ocean. Sam wrapped his arms around her waist, dipping her in front of everyone as Emily let a girl slip. After their incident that caused her scars, vampires, battles, Cullen and Bella Swan drama - there would never be two people on this earth who deserved happily-ever-after more than the two of them.

The two headed inside their little house as the pack began moving the tables out of the garage and setting up for the reception. It was a small wedding, family and pack only, because as Emily had begun to put together the list she realized that was all she needed. She only wanted people there who could vouch for the love she shared with Sam and there was no need to spend time and money gathering family from around the country.

I began gathering table clothes with the help of Kim, the way we'd planned things out was to give the happy couple at least half an hour before the reception started. That would give us time to set everything up and let Emily's family take pictures and check out the beach.

"Hold up there mama," Paul said rushing over to me, "you can't carry too much."

"They're just table cloths honey."

"I know, I know. I got them."

I laughed. It was hard not to admire Paul in his suit, they decided on a navy color with brown shoes, it highlighted his tan skin beautifully. My favorite part, was that when Paul knew he looked good, that cocky smirk came out. His bad boy charm, and sassy attitude - I loved that side of him, mostly because I knew it was all mine. I sat down on a chair placing my hands on my belly and just watching everyone as the pieces quickly came together.


Music was playing and the string lights had lit up the beach. I sat with a smile on my face watching the boys dance and goof around, Sam and Emily attached to each other's sides still looking at each other with stars in their eyes.

"How ya doing mama?" Paul asked sitting down next to me.

I smiled at him, looking into those brown eyes I loved so much, "I'm happy. Everything turned out perfectly."

Paul set his cup down, turning to me and putting his hand on my belly, "How's little man?"

"Kicking, hard. I think he likes the music."

The love in Paul's eyes couldn't be described. He was over the moon when we found out we were having a boy, all the boys were. They've been begging me on and off since we found out to name him after them. 

"Ready to go home?"

I shook my head. Sure it was getting late, and I was absolutely exhausted. But I'd never get this time with these people back. My whole life I wanted a real family, real love and people to be around and care about. I finally had it, more of it than I ever thought possible. Nights like this, moments like this gave me an extra appreciation for them. And though I didn't know how to explain it to Paul in a way they made sense, he's quickly learned to give me that space and peace to live in these moments. That was one of my favorite things about him. I told Paul to go back to dancing with the guys, and though it took some pushing he did.

He locked eyes with me as Fly Me to the Moon started playing. Paul knew I loved this song, I nearly wore out the vinyl of it after we moved in together. He reached for my hand and I gladly obliged following him out to the dance floor. My right hand in his and his other arm around to my back, the belly keeping some distance between us.

"You know I love you, right?" I said looking up at him after he twirled me around.

With a small kiss on my forehead he replied, "I love you. Changed your mind about wanting a wedding yet?"

"No. But I do want you, forever. So if it's what you want, then we can."

"I thought you loved this."

I giggled, "I do. But you didn't have to plan it."

"And if I planned everything?" He asked giving me a playful look, his lips pushed together.

"Ask me again after Wolfie is born? I can't even think about fitting into a wedding dress right now."

Paul laughed and pulled me in for a kiss. This was perfect, this was heaven, this was more than I had ever possibly hoped for.


I found myself unable to sleep as I sat in bed next to Paul. He was fast asleep, exhausted from his day and his faint snores provided me with great comfort. Looking at him, his face slightly lit up by the moonlight through the curtains pulled at my heart. I remember the boy I'd met a year and a half ago, the way he intimidated me. His stern voice and overwhelming height, his pushiness to get me to stay at Sue's. The soft eyes that looked at me with so much sadness as if he was mentally trying to fix the puzzle that was myself. The me I was then, devastated by an unkind world, hurt by unkind hands, angry words that rang through my head on repeat. Until Paul provided the silence to stop them all, to stop anything. He was the greatest gift I was ever given, everything in my life had led me to him and led me to here. Maybe it was a God, another powerful being, the Quileute ancestors - I don't know for sure, but something brought us together. No, forced us together. Forced life to happen to both of us to come together and build this life and build our family. Whatever the reason, the cause, it was all worth it. Paul was worth everything in this world to me, and our little boy was worth that and more.

Only the "Strong" Survive | Paul Lahote |Where stories live. Discover now