Hanako Chronicles: Friendship between Outcasts

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My friend, the first one I had...


5-year-old Hanako saw a blonde boy playing alone at the playground looking lonely.

It was Naruto. She had heard rumours about him, that the ninetailed fox was sealed inside of him, and so everyone avoided him.

Hanako understood his loneliness. Everyone had avoided her since she was part of the clan that had killed thousands.

She walked over to him.

" Can I play with you?" She asked.

His head snapped up. He smiled so wide Hanako thought that his face would crack.

She thought it was adorable

" Sure! My name is Naruto Uzumaki!"

" Hanako Tsuyuri," she answered.

And so, a friendship between outcasts was born.


Hanako and Naruto were strolling around the village. He stopped at a particular shop selling vibrant masks.

" Hey ! Those masks look cool!" Naruto pointed at the shop enthusiastically.

The owner eyed them suspiciously, as if daring them to go inside.

Hanako answered warily," I don't think you should go in... we might not be allowed to-"

Naruto was already running in. He examined the masks and his eyes landed on a fox one. He was about to place his hands on it when the shop owner yelled at him.

" Hey! What are you doing? You're not welcome!" He walked up to the small little boy.

He pushed Naruto to the ground.

" Hey!" Hanako marched up in front of the shop owner. "He just wanted to look at some masks!" She defended.

" You mean this?" The shop owner picked up the fox mask and yelled,"Here!" He threw it at Naruto and it bounced off his head.

Hanako was enraged. She was well aware of the crowd that had formed around them. So, she stayed quiet and helped Naruto up, muttering," It's not worth it, let's go."

Naruto looked at the crowd. The villagers looked at them with hatred and disgust in their eyes.

" Stop looking at us like that!" Naruto yelled. Hand in hand, the two ran off.


Hanako and Naruto were eating at icharaku ramen. It was the only restaurant where they were welcome.

Hanako was always fond of the old man.

Hanako was talking about an encounter with the villagers.

"I was playing with some younger kids at the playground and their parents came and hit me and said,' Stay away from our children, you murderer!'."

Naruto responded angrily, " What?! Why would they call you that? We should get back at them!"

She looked at him like he was stupid and shook her head.

"Don't bother, that would make them hate us even more. We'll just have to be outcasts forever." Hanako mumbled, slurping her ramen.

Naruto disagreed. "Not true! I'll become Hokage and you can be my right hand woman! Then everyone would respect us!"

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