Who are you?

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Unwanted guests...


Hanako was in a dark place. It was seemingly endless.

" Hello?" She asked uncertainly.

Then, she heard someone coming. She looked ahead and saw a young woman. She was wounded and had blood stains on her dress.

Hanako gasped as the woman came into sight. It was Chiaki.

" You're not real." Hanako whispered, slightly trembling.

Chiaki opened her mouth to speak," You let me die."

" No"

" You are weak"


" Just die already"

" You're not real!" Hanako cried. Tears threatened to roll out of her eyes.

" Hey" Chiaki said. Hanako shook her head.

" Hey" Chiaki continued.

" NOOO," Hanako yelled.



" Hey" a gruff voice said.

Hanako opened her eyes and found herself in her classroom with Aizawa sensei glaring at her.

" Just a dream," She whispered to herself, trembling.

She so relieved that she didn't hear Aizawa sensei criticise her for falling asleep in class. She heard sniggers coming from her classmates but she didn't care.

" As I was saying," Aizawa sensei said, walking back to the podium. " Today's hero basic training has turned into a class with three teachers. Me, All might and another person."

Hanta Sero raised his hand and asked,"Excuse me, what will we be doing?"

Aizawa sensei presented a card that had the words 'rescue' on it and answered," From disastors to shipwrecks, it's rescue training."

The class erupted with dozens of comments, saying their opinions.

Aizawa sensei interrupted their chatter,

" I'm not done. You can decide if you want to wear your costume or not, since there are costumes that might limit your abilities. Because the training is pretty far, we'll be taking a bus. That is all, start getting ready."


After changing into her costume, Hanako went outside to the bus with the others.

Iida blew a whistle to get everyone's attention, " Class 1-A, gather around! To board the bus smoothly, form two lines according to your class numbers!"

Hanako blinked.

' Where did he get that whistle?"


Hanako entered the bus and sat beside Mina.

" Shoot...I didn't think that it would be this sort of bus..." Iida muttered about the bus's layout.

Mina laughed," Well it was all for nothing, wasn't it?"

" I say whatever comes to mind" Tsuyu Asui said. She turned to Midoriya who was beside her. "Midoriya...."

" Yes Asui?"

" Call me Tsu,"

" Ummm..yes! Uhh"

"You're quirk reminds me of All might's."

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