A Side Story: The Mother

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I'm sorry, but I can't...



The awarding ceremony had started. Bakugo, was surprisingly calm, and did not say a word to Hanako. He seemed to be holding up alright from the last match thanks to Recovery Girl.

Hanako bit her lip.

She didn't deserve that medal.

As All Might presented the medal to her, he complimeted, " Good job on getting first place, young Tsuyuri!"

Hearing her last name made her cringe.

The blood.

The ritual.




Hanako kept her mouth shut and accepted the medal.

" And there you have it! The winner of the sports festival!..." he babbled on, leaving Hanako alone with her thoughts.

A random one wandered through the urgent ones.

If Remi san was watching the sports festival on TV right now, she would be unbearable when Hanako gets home, wouldn't she?

Hanako rubbed her eyes. Why Remi decided to adopt her she didn't know. She was asking herself that question a million times.

" Everyone say it with me now!" All might was saying.

" Great work!" He said.

" Plus ultra!" The crowd cheered at the same time.

Cue the awkward silence.

Hanako huffed. She looked down at her shiny medal.

Well, it was nice.

While pondering over several things, Hanako didn't notice a certain man's eyes on her.

Endeavor scowled. He wasn't going to give up. He would get what he wanted.

He was going to make a call.



Remi Sato was wiping down table at the restuarant she worked at when she got the call.

She patted her face that was caked in make up and some sweat with a napkin as she took out her phone.

Well, it was only three minutes until her break, so why not?

She looked at the unknown number. Scammer?

She tapped the accept button and sandwiched it between her ear and her shoulder while continuing to wipe down the table

[Endeavor] Is this Remi Sato on the phone?

[Remi] Yes that's me. Who are you?

[Endeavor] I'm Endeavor, the No.2 Pro hero

Remi stopped wiping the table.

" Is that so?" She asked carefully.

" Yes," he sounded smug. "I wanted to discuss something to do with your daughter, Hanako Tsuyuri. If you don't know already, she got first place in the sports festival."

Ah, the sports festival. Remi had almost forgotten about that. Hanako never mentions anything to her, although the same could be said for Remi.

Endeavor then explained his future plans for Hanako and his own son, Shoto. Remi felt a sick feeling in her stomach.

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