Figuring things Out

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Puzzling it together...


Days before the final exams, Hanako was sitting in a cafe with Kirishima and Bakugo, studying.

Hanako pointed at a question in the textbook, "So for this question...."

Bakugo interrupted her, " SHUT UP FLOWER GIRL, I'M TEACHING HIM, NOT YOU!" He stood up from his seat and glowered at her.

Hanako sighed and made a face at him, which ticked him off even more.


Hanako made a shushing gesture, glancing at the poor customers all around them. The staff were staring at them too. If Bakugo carried on, they would end up being kicked out.

Kirishima chuckled. He placed a hand on Bakugo's shoulder and tried to calm him down,
"Come on, Bakugo. Quiet down all right?"

Bakugo growled, which was at least quieter than a yell. He sat back down and folded his arms.

"That's right Bakugo," Hanako muttered. "Listen to your caregiver. You two should get married."

Bakugo, who had not caught what she said but knew it was insulting to him, spat, "What the hell did you just say?"

He was slowly raising his voice, ready for a fight. Hanako took a quick glance at the waitress near by.

She was clearing the used cups from a table, but her eyes were looking straight at them, like a hawk.

There was a guy working on a TV that was hanging on the wall, and he was glaring at them as well.

Hanako looked back at Bakugo. She leaned back and lifted her palms up and faced them towards him.

"Nothing," she said very innocently. She resisted the urge to bat her eyelashes.

A vein popped from Bakugo's head but he sat still. Hanako glanced at the pen in his hand and wondered if it would accidentally snap into two.

The studying session continued on, which included Bakugo rolling up the nearest textbook and smacking it on Kirishima's head whenever he couldn't understand something.

Hanako was a little surprised at Bakugo's intelligence. Although, she shouldn't be, looking at Bakugo's ambition to always be on top. Looks like his arrogance wasn't really born from nothing.

At one point Kirishima laid his chin on the table and groaned,

"Ugh, you and Bakugo's brains are on a whole different level, could you spare me some braincells?"

Bakugo was about to say something, probably to retort that he was better than Hanako, but she interrupted him.

"Not on sale for the moment, sorry for the inconvenience," Hanako said to Kirishima nochalantly, busily writing.

"We've been at this for hours!" Kirishima complained.

"It's been forty minutes." Hanako replied.

"It feels longer!"

Bakugo was quietly rolling up his textbook, ready to give the usual punishment.

"Bakugo, why don't you buy us some cakes, especially for the poor thing over there." Hanako said, nodding at Kirishima.

The redheaded boy perked up and nodded. He clung onto Bakugo's sleeve, feigning helplessness, which included whining and fake crying.

Hanako mentally applauded.

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