A Day for Happiness

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Place for joy...


Days before the Practical exam

In the conference room, all the teachers were gathered to discuss the arrangements of the coming up Practical exam for the first years.

They were all seated at a long table, with Principal Nezu at the front. They were currently discussing the exam for a certain brunnette.

Aizawa frowned at him. " You want Tsuyuri's exam to take place in the forest? There isn't solid proof yet, but don't you think that there's a chance that the forest might enhance her powers?"

Nezu nodded. " That was my intention. I want to see if it is possible to draw out whatever possible power she may possess."

" Does this have to do with the incident during the Sports festival?" Midnight questioned.

Nezu nodded again. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper.

" I received this not too long after the Sports festival," he said, placing the paper on the table for everyone to see. " No name at all. Just this."

The paper could hardly be called a letter-more of a note.

On it, it was written:

What makes a weakling a weakling?

It is when they deny the most obvious things and lock it up within themselves.

Don't trust anyone.

Cementoss frowned at it. " You said that there's no name, so how come you think that Tsuyuri's involved?"

" Because," Nezu said, " Of this." He turned the paper over

On the other side of the paper, and image of a black rose was printed on it. It was the exact same rose-

" That was on Tsuyuri's cheek after the whole fiasco," Midnight exclaimed.

" Indeed," Aizawa said gruffly, narrowing his eyebrows.

Nezu picked up the paper and folded it up before placing it into his pocket again.

" I think this paper is a warning, telling us that Tsuyuri is not all that she seems. We need to find out more about what powers she may or may not possess."



Present time

In an old bar, Kurogiri was cleaning out some cups while Shigaraki and a man was sitting at the counter.

Shigaraki scowled at the man across him. He definitely did not like the guy. He was too secretive, and impossible to trust.

This man tagged along on their attack on USJ just to disappear quickly doing god knows what. Then proceeded to still hang around the league and suck out information.

" Aw, don't give me that look," the man said to him, taking a swig of whiskey.

Shigaraki scowled even deeper. Another reason to not trust him was that he was too good at making people feel at ease.

" What the hell are you doing here right now?" Shigaraki spat.

The man raised his eyebrows. " I came to see that my gifts would arrive for you." He smiled. " After all, isn't that what I'm exchanging for your help?"

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