It Continues

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No start, no end...


Hanako always had a good memory.

But what she didn't understand was why the most vivid memories were her earliest ones.

Her father, holding her foot in the air, knife ready. Hanako screamed and squirmed, but he had an iron grip.

As her irises turned rainbow, tear were still spilling with no end from it.


Hanako had just used Deadly Poppy for the first time. The man in front of her was dead, and it was her fault. 

Her father knelt beside her and smiled. It was so warm that Hanako almost smiled back, but she knew how insincere he was deep inside where his heart should've been.

" You did good, Hanako,"

It wasn't a compliment. He meant: Do it better so that it's perfect.


Chiaki was dead. Her father's spear was gleaming over the corpse.

Hanako screamed and lashed out of her chains.



In the present, Hanako went limp.

She leaned on the wall and her head drooped down on her shoulder since she stopped bothering to hold it up.

Her mind was a mess. It kept repeating 'no' over and over again, but the other part of her brain kept telling her to run.

Her limbs did not obey. Hanako couldn't understand what she was feeling right then.

She would go against a tailed beast.
She would fight a Kage.
She would face Sasuke.
She would even face Madara and die at his hands once again.

She would do all of this if it meant she didn't have to face this.

Hanako Tsuyuri would fight anyone, but she couldn't face her father.

Father smiled at her and sat across her. He didn't even pull up a chair. He simply sat cross-legged, like he was about to play with a child.

But Hanako was never a child in his eyes.

" Now, now," Father said. " Sit up straight."

Hanako could not move. She coud not even speak. If she tried to forcibly choke out the words, it would've come out as a grunt.

Silence was always the answer that she was supposed to give Father.

Father's eyes twitched, only slightly. He was still smiling. "I said, sit up straight."

He did not need to raise his voice to issue his authority. His hand cupped Hanako's cheek, but Hanako knew that it was only for a nearer placement towards her neck.

Hanako sat up straight.

Father gave a single clap. " Well done, my dear."

Hanako tried to focus on something else. She eyed Sister, who was watching all of this go silently.

As always.

Sister was never stronger that Hanako in their past life. She was not a one in a million chance.

But she was more obedient. 

From the start, as if she had already killed her emotions, Sister never cried loudly if the clan members hurt her. She never flinched whenever she killed someone.

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