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Not all battles are bloody...



Looking back on it, Todoroki was exactly like Sasuke. Life ruined by a single man, and life built just to get revenge on him.

Hanako looked at Todoroki dead in the eye and said. " You're so pitiful."

Todoroki, recovering from his shock, narrowed his eyes. " Excuse me?"

The edge on his voice was as sharp as a knife, but Hanako didn't care.

She stalked away and into the corridors, bumping into a certain someone.

She wasn't even surprised to see Bakugo. She could hear him from the hall a long while ago.

Bakugo scowled and seethed, " Don't say a word."

Hanako shrugged. " Wouldn't dream on it."

Bakugo listened in on Midoriya and Todoroki's conversation a little bit more until he sighed, indicating that they were walking away.

Not that Hanako could care to notice. She couldn't believe it. She had said the name of the boy who was one of the people who had caused her the most pain.


The bitterness of that name lingered on her lips and tongue and Hanako squeezed her eyes shut.

Shut up

Bakugo raised his eyebrows. " What's up with you? Not as tough as you seem?"

" I don't know. Why do you like to pick fight so much?" Hanako asked.

Bakugo blinked at the lack of insult. Then, he scowled and stepped closer. "What do you mean by that?"

Hanako tilted her chin high. " Why do you like to fight. How is it that you find it so enjoyable?"

She wanted the answer to the question, badly.

The ash blonde boy clenched his fist. "To win, flower girl. To freaking be number one."

Hanako closed her eyes and said. " I see. See you later. "

As she walked away, she thought 'That's what Naruto would say."

To prove his worth, all that boy did was pick fights, though it was in a more justifying way than Bakugo does.

But still, that was a trait Bakugo and Naruto shared-and a trait Hanako never liked from either of them.

The two would grow older, and realise how horrible battles could be.

And what cruelty was.

Hanako made it to the canteen, but she wasn't hungry. She was thinking of heading back to the stadium when she heard a voice calling out to her.

" Hey Hanako!"

Hanako turned and saw Kaminari and Mineta walking towards her.

She frowned. Not a good sign.

Figuring that she didn't have enough energy to deal with thise two, she walked away.

" Hey-wait up!" Mineta called.

" Not in the mood, guys." Hanako replied, walking faster now.

Kaminari tried to say, "We just wanted to tell you that Aizawa sensei asled all the girls to-" he caught up to her and grabbed her shoulder, trying to slow her down.

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