Hanako Chronicles: The Severed Bond

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A time I wish to go back to...



Hanako walked down the eerie road to the Uchiha estates. Something had drawn her to that place, and she knew what it was.

The smell of death.

" Sasuke?..." Hanako called out.

The boy was kneeling on the ground, in front of the bloodied bodies of what was known as the Uchiha clan.

He was shaking.

" Sasuke.. I'm so sorry-" Hanako walked over to him but stopped to gasp as she saw how Sasuke turned looked at her.

There was so much misery. So much pain. But most of all, Hanako had seen a look that she was very familiar with.

The eyes that were thirsting for revenge.

She didn't know it at first, but deep down, something in her churned.

It was only years later when Hanako realised what she had felt was dread.

Dread upon knowing that she was going to lose Sasuke one day.




" They are so annoying." Sasuke grumbled about their teamates.

Hanako chewed on her dango as they walked through the village. They had just gotten sorted into their teams and Sasuke was already complaining.

Not unusual for him though.

" We'll be fine. At least be decent to them," she said.

Sasuke huffed.

Hanako smiled half heartedly. " Come on, let's go training in the forest. Race you?"

For a moment, he was silent. But then...

Sasuke smirked at her. Hanako's eyes softened. It was the closest thing he ever gotten to smiling.

" You are so going to lose."

The two friends ran in sync, enjoying the little innocence they had left.



Hanako did a handspring to avoid the fire that went her way.

" Missed me." She said.

Sasuke huffed and tried again. Hanako in turn aimed a kunai at him.

The Kunai stabbed through his sleeve, just barely missing his skin, while the fire singed the end of Hanako's dark hair.

" Let's call it a day." Hanako suggested. Last time, they had trained so long that night had fallen before they knew it, and they both fell asleep there.

Let's just say Hanako never forgave Sasuke for the scratches from twigs she received, and the birds that smacked her.

Sasuke shrugged and yanked the kunai out of his sleeve.

" You owe me a new shirt."

"Oh please, considering our missions, our clothes get torn on a daily basis. Might as well ask the rougue ninjas to go clothes shopping with you."

That was the few times Hanako and Sasuke chuckled together. The times when it seemed that they would be friends for life, no matter how difficult things would be.

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