Voices In My Head

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This is familiar...



Hanako went rigid.



That wasn't what she wanted.

The voice said in a mocking way, "Are you sure?"

Hanako clutched her head. Tears were squeezing out of her eyes as she leant against the wall.

" I can do it for you, it would be beneficial for both of us." The voice was tempting, teasing, as if luring a small, helpless little fly into their death trap.

Hanako clutched at where her heart would be. She was having a panic attack.

Just a panic attack...right?

Hanako slowly slid down the wall, before letting out a blood curdling scream.



It was dark. Fires were everywhere, yet it didn't bring a single ray of light for Hanako to see anything beyond the darkness.

Hanako frowned. This...was different from Last time.

Unleash me.

Hanako jumped. The voice was everywhere and nowhere. Whispering in her ear yet seemingly to be shouting from far away...

Just barely, Hanako could make out a shape. A crouching figure.

Angry at that.

Hanako breathed quietly.

It was a bubbling mixture of anger, boiling. Ready to be unleashed.

Somehow, Hanako managed to open her mouth.

The crouching figure neared closer.

" You're different now." Hanako said.

The crouching figure let out a hiss.

"Oh Honey, and whose fault is that?"

The crouching figure lept at Hanako.

Hanako screamed.

As the angry creature scratched at her, ripping out her insides, basically trying to force the girl to let it out.

Hanako endured, as the black blood sprayed out of her.

She caught a glimpse of the dark creature.

Fires, sharp teeth, claws sharp and poisonous. The result of someone else's poison.

Same, but different.



Hanako sat up, gasping for breath as if she had just emerged from the sea, in desperate need of air.

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