Calvary Battle

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A challenge I can take...


" UA Sports festival! First year stage! The first on back in the stadium is...... Hanako Tsuyuri!"

As Hanako walked back into the stadium, the spectators waved and cheered loudly, and the Pro heroes looked approvingly.

She smiled to herself.

Midoriya came out next.

He placed his palms onto his knees and crouched from exhaustion. "You're amazing Hanako! You were so fast!" He huffed.

Hanako smiled. " You did pretty good too, Midoriya, using the mines to your advantage was a good idea." The green haired boy blushed.

Soon after several more students entered the stadium, Midnight sensei appeared again.

" Congratulations to the top forty two who made it! It's unfortunate, but don't worry to those who didn't! We've prepared other chances for you to shine!" She said.

" The real competition begins next! Be ready to give it your all. Now then, here is the second game, I already know what it is, but what could it be?"

The crowd waited with anticipation, not bearing the tension in the atmosphere anymore.

The TV behind her displayed the glowing words. " Calvary Battle"



" Let me explain." Midnight sensei said. The participants can form teams of two to four. It's basically the same as a regular calvary battle, but there's a twist! Based on the results from the last game, each person is assigned a point value."

Hanako took in the information. The realisation hit her immediately.

Ah, so that's how it is.

" Points go up by five starting from the bottom, and the point value assigned to the first place is-"

In other words, my worth is-

" Ten million!"

At that moment, Hanako could feel everyone's eyes bore into her. She shivered. At least it wasn't like the Konohagure villager's stares, filled with dislike amd malice.

" It's a survival of the fittest, With a chance for the bottom to overthrow the top!""Midnight sensei continued.

" Now, let me explain the rules. The time limit is 15 minutes. Each team is worth the total points of its members points. The riders will wear a headband with that number on it. Teams will try to steal each other's headbands until time runs out, so try to keep as many points as you can! Headbands must be worn from neck up. So the more you steal, the harder it is to manage them! The most important thing is that even if your headband gets stolen, you're not out!"

" So in the end, it doesn't matter which place you finished in," Iida concluded. "As long as you take out first place, you're guaranteed to win."

" During the game, it will be a cruel fight where you can use your quirks," Midnight sensei added, " But it's still calvary battle. You'll get a red card fior attacks trying to make people fall down on purpose! You'll be disqualified immediately!"

"Damn" Bakugo grumbled. Hanako clicked her tongue.

" Ever the sadist," Hanako mumbled.

" Now you have 15 minutes to build your teams. Start!" Midnight sensei said.

The students immediately buzzed around, lookimg for their possible teamates.

" Hmmm..." Hanako said to herself. People were eyeing her wearily and brushed past her. It became very apparent that harfly anyone wounld want to team up with her.

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