There He Is

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Long after the Test of courage started, Hanako found herself hanging off a dirt dragon's tail, for the second time, holding on for dear life, wondering where it all went horribly, horribly wrong.

Let's show you all the events that took place previously, shall we?



After the pain in her chest had resided, Hanako shakily got to her feet.

Kyoka's eyes were widened as she hastily took hold of Hanako's hands.

" Are you alright?" She asked.

Hanako nodded her head silently, not daring to answer.

She clutched her chest as beads of sweat ran down her forehead.

What was that?

The goddess's voice was gone. Hanako drew her mouth in a tight line.

The Goddess's warning was troubling...but right then it didn't feel right to suddenly back out. It would be totally strange too. To add on, why should Hanako be so shaken by someone who, although was sharing her body, was more of an enemy than anyone else?

Hanako's eyes wandered to where Kakashi sensei was standing at. He was eyeing her carefully, looking concerned.

He probably saw her collapse earlier and guessed that it had to do with the Goddess, since Hanako had told him about her recent episodes.

Hanako gave her teacher a look that the two knew all to well, and used it often in their past lives.

It gave a message: Be on guard

Hanako turned away, and side by side with Kyoka, she ventured into the forest.

Whatever was in there, whatever was coming, whatever the Goddess was so afraid of, Hanako would have to face it sooner or later, whether she liked it or not.



" What happened back there?" Kyoka asked after a couple minutes of silence.

Hanako swung her hands by her side uneasily.

"They're just....episodes I have. After effects of my power." There. Not untrue.

Kyoka nodded understandingly. "Your quirk must be really tiring."

She sure is, Hanako thought bitterly. This time, she didn't even hear a retort from the Goddess. What was going on? Usually, whenever Hanako had insulted her, which was daily, the Goddess always responded back.

What on Earth?

And at Kyoka's remark, ' Your quirk' Hanako just realised how little her friends knew about her.

Yes, she had always meant to keep her secret life, her first life, a secret. It wasn't like she could just say, 'Hey, did you know that I actually reincarnated and was actually a ninja in a different world?' out of nowhere.

But still, without realising it, Hanako had planted a wall, or at least a fence, between her and her friends. Even though she was definitely very close to them, had she ever opened up at all?

Even when Midoriya had kindly asked her if she was okay after the whole fiasco at the Sports festival, Hanako had a sense of annoyance, defensiveness, and even the need to feel distant.

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