Rage and a Messenger

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Rage and poison...


Unfortunately, Hanako's sweet moment with the boys ended the minute the Pro heroes walked in.

She spotted Tsunade sama, using her usual regal expression to announce her dominance, and two others.

Midoriya and Iida sputtered out greeting towards the two Pro heroes, most likely who they were interning under.

Hanako caught Tsunade sama's eye, and the older woman huffed and gave a stiff nod.

Hanako already knew what was coming. She had expected it ever since that night.

One of the Pro heroes, who was apparently called Gran Torino, was saying something.

" You've got a visitor, " was his words. Hanako braced herself.

A large figure entered the hospital room.

He was easily taller than everyone there. His large body was dressed in a suit and tie, an outfit made for any image you would think of when you hear the word, 'C.E.O'

However, his head was not a human head, but a dog's, breaking that perfect image.

Gran Turino took the pleasure of introducing him, "This is Hosu's chief of police, Kenji Tsurugamae."

While Midoriya, Iida and Todoroki stiffened upon those words, Hanako had simply heaved a sigh of exasperation.

The Chief regarded the four of them for a moment before saying,

"You must be the the UA students who brought down the Hero killer, right?"

Hanako, staying silent, gave a curt nod. Her expression gave nothing away. She had faced all sorts of authorities in her past life, and she wasn't going to be swayed by a mere Chief of Police.

The man/dog/dogman(?) nodded and spoke, " Regarding the Hero killer we arrested, he has fairly serious injuries, with burns, cuts and a concussion, —" 

Hanako had a brief memory of her swinging her Kusa blade around, and shoving her heal into the back of his head.

" —he is being treated under strict regard."

He then took a deep breath, and Hanako internally grimaced.

Here it comes

She was very aware of the trouble she had gotten into last night. Not only had she run off by herself without alerting Tsunade sama, she had also used her powers to attack the Hero killer, potentially killing him.

It did not matter if she was doing it for a noble cause, or if she was a student at UA. According to the oh-so-stupid laws, she had commited crimes, bringing  Tsunade sama down with her.

It was no doubt that all the other Pro heroes knew this, but Hanako wasn't sure about her classmates.

Just like Hanako suspected, the Chief had basically repeated the exact thoughts Hanako had to all of them.

So to summarise, they were in trouble, which was putting it lightly.

"The four of you, and Pro heroes Endeavor, Gran Torino, Manual and the Empress will be strictly punished." The Chief finished.

Hanako's face was a mask of calm, but she had put her hands behind her back, out of sight.

No one saw her digging her nails in her arms or clenching her shirt.

It was bitter. As bitter as poison, to know of the unfairness that was to come.

However, despite the extent of Hanako's anger, Todoroki was the one who lost control.

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