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...Lafayette Cemetery...

Rosalind and Klaus have just arrived at the cemetery with a briefcase with them, and are walking toward the Lycée when they find Vincent leaning against the outside wall of one of the tombs.

"Hey, Vincent!" Rosalind greets with a small smile while Klaus only glared.

Klaus turns down the aisle to approach him.

"I should have known Camille would seek powerful fools to aid in this rather futile gambit. As I send you off to join your Ancestors, just know this is her fault" Klaus snaps and was about to lunges for Vincent, but was held back by Rosalind.

"What've I told you?!" Rosalind asks with a raised eyebrow.

Klaus kept glaring at Vincent, who were smiling smugly at him.

How funny it is to see what real love could do to a man, even the psycho killers one.

"I was hoping for a simple trade, but seeing as how everything you took can't possibly fit in that briefcase, I'm gonna go ahead and assume that 'simple' ain't exactly your style" Vincent says.

"Why don't you take down this barrier? I'll show you precisely what my style entails" Klaus snaps.

Just then, Cami finally walks out of the tomb and joins them.

"Seriously? I have an ancient, mystical weapon of doom, and instead of agreeing to my very fair trade, you're making threats" Cami says in the same tone.

Rosalind glares furiously at her. If it wasn't for her truly consideration for Cami, the baby vamp would be very, very dead.

"There she is!" Rosalind says with a fake smile "Traitor to my family, thief of that which doesn't belongs to you!"

"Don't be dramatic. Like I said, I wanted your attention. And, seeing as you're here, I'd say I got it" Cami rolls her eyes and Rosalind scoffs.

"Of course, a rather effective tactic...one I usually reserve for enemies" Klaus says with a dead glare in his face.

"And here I thought we were friends" Rosalind says with her arms crossed.

"We are. But relationships are built on trust and equality, and we don't have either if you're confiscating my stuff" Cami retorts with a smile.

"And so your response is to steal what's mine in an attempt to bend my will to yours?" Rosalind asks.

"I just want back what you took" Cami shrugs.

Cami looks at the briefcase in his hands.

"What, that's like, a third of them? So, would you like a third of the white oak?" Cami says with a smirk.

While Klaus lets out a low growl, Rosalind's eyes darkened at Cami's threatening attempt.

She tilts her head to the side, glancing at Cami up and down, before taking a step towards the barrier, where the boundary spell was and places her hand there, before smirking mischievously.

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