Chapter 13

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Jungkook, too, came to a realization. "It must be Kang Seulgi, right?" The pieces of the puzzle were falling into place, and it seemed that someone was attempting to manipulate their circumstances.

"Right," Lisa mused to herself. "She probably works with Lee Taemin. My uncle doesn't want me to marry into the Kim family, so they wanted to break our engagement. This plan is actually quite good. If this happened to Jimin, it would be a mess. Taemin would try to do something bad to him, right? And this would break my engagement with Mingyu, and Jimin wouldn't be able to help me. It would be favorable for Seulgi and my uncle."

"What do you think?" she asked him.

Jungkook, having come to a similar conclusion, nodded in agreement. "Their target was Jimin, but they didn't expect that I'm here."

Lisa acknowledged his point with a nod. "You can take a shower now; I'll think about what we should do next."

While Jungkook was in the bathroom, Lisa checked her phone and noticed numerous missed calls from her bodyguards. She promptly gave them a call, knowing that the situation had likely attracted a lot of attention.

She then lay back on the bed, closed her eyes, and contemplated their next move. The news of her and Jungkook would undoubtedly spread quickly, thanks to the reporters waiting outside the hotel.

Jungkook, feeling a sense of responsibility for the situation they found themselves in, approached Lisa as she lay on the bed with her eyes closed. He finally mustered the courage to speak, "Lisa, look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen."

Lisa opened her eyes and let out a light laugh. "You are also a victim; it wasn't your fault."

"You know what I mean," Jungkook replied, avoiding direct eye contact with her.

Lisa sat up on the bed and fixed her gaze on him. "Second lead, shouldn't you take responsibility for me now?"

Jungkook was taken aback by her suggestion. "I will, but what do you want me to do?"

"Since this happened, then shouldn't you marry me?" Lisa proposed.

Jungkook was startled. "What about your fiancé?"

"Mingyu?" Lisa laughed. "There's nothing between me and Mingyu. If he didn't leave me last night, none of this would have happened. He really dared to leave me for another girl, and I also don't want to be with him. And since this happened, what can I do?"

Lisa continued, her tone more serious now: "So, will you marry me or not?"

"Okay, I will marry you," Jungkook agreed, realizing that he needed to take responsibility for what had transpired. While they had been tricked, he understood that he bore some responsibility for the situation and was willing to do what was necessary to make amends.

Jungkook thought for a moment before responding, "Will you regret it? Don't you love Y/N? Will you regret marrying me while loving another woman?"

"No, I will not. I should take responsibility," Jungkook affirmed.

Lisa snorted, her tone mocking, "Do you think you should take responsibility because it's my first time?"

Jungkook was taken aback by her straightforwardness. She then grabbed his suit and handed it to him, moving closer to him. "I think I should take responsibility as well," she added, now standing directly in front of him.

"It was your first time too, right?" Lisa questioned bluntly.

Jungkook almost choked on his own saliva at her directness. He coughed and patted his chest in response to her bluntness. "Don't tell me I'm wrong, you were a virgin!"

Lisa's phone rang, and her bodyguard informed her that reporters had gathered around the hotel entrance. They assured her that they were on their way upstairs to pick her up.

"No need, I will use the entrance," Lisa replied.

She realized that with reporters outside, this might be an opportunity to make an announcement. Her uncle was probably waiting outside, hoping to see her in a miserable condition.

After hanging up the phone, Lisa placed her hands on Jungkook's torso. "Let's go, my fiancé."

Jungkook felt a wave of nervousness at her touch and the nickname she used. He wasn't used to being addressed this way, but he nodded quickly in response. Lisa moved closer, taking his arm, and his body tensed up immediately.

"What are you nervous about? Relax," she reassured him.

"Okay," he mumbled, nodding repeatedly.

They opened the door and walked out together, hand in hand. A few onlookers were still present, curious to see what was happening, even though the reporters had been removed.

As they headed for the elevator, Lisa turned to Jungkook with a smile. "Did I look pretty in my dress last night?"


Happy birthday, Jimin! ❤️

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Happy birthday, Jimin! ❤️

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