Chapter 46

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The video displayed Seulgi and her lover engaging in passionate kisses and caressing each other's bodies, their actions becoming increasingly intimate.

Seulgi noticed that her husband was teetering on the brink, his grip on her hand becoming unbearably tight. She shook her head, tears streaming down her face. Lisa's uncle had once admired her beautiful face, but now he looked at her with disgust.

Seulgi realized her husband couldn't contain his anger any longer. She was terrified and desperately tried to pat his hand away, hoping he would release her. She attempted to flee, but he pursued her, grabbing her and hurling her to the ground.

Seulgi's misery was overwhelming, and she made another attempt to escape, only to stumble and fall once more.

Lisa's uncle knelt beside her, his face contorted with rage. He struck her across the face, seething, "You ungrateful bitch! You've lived off my wealth, worn my name, and now you dare to use my money to support another man? I could end you!"

He delivered another harsh slap, his anger palpable.

Seulgi was drenched in his anger, and by the time she managed to respond, her face had swollen and turned a deep shade of red. She winced in pain but reached out to hold his hand, her voice trembling with desperation. "Please, honey... No, no. I'm not doing this on purpose. It's not what you think. Believe me. I haven't betrayed you. Really..."

"Even in this situation, you want to deceive me again?" he erupted, his fury unabated. "The photos are right there, and there's even a video. Damn it, do you think you can justify it? Do you believe I'm so foolish as to believe your lies? My love for you led you to have an affair? You dared to cuckold me! What I detest most in this world is deception! You dared to do this to me, but watch how I make your life miserable!"

He continued to berate her, punctuating his words with harsh slaps across her face.

Seulgi, now dizzy and in pain, called out for help, but despite the onlookers, no one dared to intervene. They seemed to relish this shocking spectacle, with no inclination to bring it to an end.

After all, who would dare to challenge him?

The only exceptions were Park Jimin and Lisa, but the likelihood of them stepping in to help Seulgi was slim at best.

Seulgi's misery was palpable. Her meticulously styled hair was now in disarray, her once-beautiful attire ruined. Her face had swollen, and it glistened with tears, her lips appearing pale.

Lisa, seemingly engrossed in the scene, couldn't resist a sardonic comment, murmuring, "Seulgi's makeup must not be waterproof; otherwise, how could it all be ruined?"

Despite her hushed tone, her words carried in the crowd, audible even to Seulgi and her uncle. However, Seulgi paid little attention to her comment amidst her ordeal.

Despite Lisa's uncle's polished exterior, it was all a facade. In truth, he possessed a twisted and perverted nature, and his demeanor concealed a dark attitude.

He had a penchant for multiple partners and indulged in unsettling bedroom proclivities that often tormented Seulgi. She had been a constant victim of his sadistic desires.

Feeling trapped and tormented in her marriage, Seulgi had sought solace in an extramarital affair, a desperate attempt to find some form of comfort. However, her secret liaison had now been exposed, and she realized she stood to lose everything—the status, wealth, and position she had once enjoyed were all at risk of being taken from her by her vengeful husband.

Seulgi found herself in a dire predicament with no apparent way out.

She endured his brutal kicks and punches, but Seulgi refused to remain passive. In a moment of distraction on his part, she seized the opportunity to push him away. Rising to her feet, she pointed a trembling finger at him and unleashed her fury, scolding him with unwavering resolve.

"What gives you the right to speak to me like that?" she berated him. "You keep a harem of women on the side while claiming to love me. Do you truly consider me your wife? I'm nothing more than one of your playthings. You're deranged, old, and impotent. Before every encounter, you need drugs to delude yourself into thinking you're still virile!"

"I've had my fill of you!" she continued, her voice carrying through the room. "Have you ever treated me like a woman? Let me make it clear—I did these things because you forced me into it! And as for your money, I've serve you for so long. How can you refuse me what I deserve? I took your money to have an affair, so what? You have your dalliances, so why can't I?"

Seulgi's words ignited a fresh wave of discussions among the onlookers, drawing their attention back to the tumultuous scene.

Lisa's uncle's countenance had now completely darkened. He had expected Seulgi to remain submissive and silent in this situation, allowing him to do as he pleased. However, to his astonishment, she had risen to her feet and confronted him with a torrent of harsh words.

This blatant insult was something he would not tolerate, and his eyes reflected the sheer intensity of his fury. At that moment, all he wanted was to exact revenge upon this woman.

"You bitch!" he seethed, his voice trembling with rage. "Watch as I make you pay later!"


A/N: Hi, how are you liking the story? Don't forget to comment 😆

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