Chapter 39

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Krystal had been genuinely concerned that Taehyung might still attempt to seek out Taemin, so she quickly devised an excuse to keep him close. She suggested, "It's getting late; you can stay the night here. No need to go home."

Taehyung agreed, and Krystal led him upstairs to a guest room. She fetched a fresh blanket and pillow, arranging them neatly on the bed, and also provided some spare toiletries. "Alright, you can take a shower and get some rest," she instructed.

As Krystal was about to exit the room, Taehyung unexpectedly embraced her from behind, catching her off guard. She initially attempted to break free, but his grip remained firm.

"What's the matter?" she asked, her voice soft.

"Krystal, do you still want me?" Taehyung inquired, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Krystal replied quietly, "Do I even deserve you?"

"Why do you think you don't?" Taehyung's voice was firm as he responded, "In my heart, you're the best. I've always been afraid that you might not want me anymore. Please don't push me away."

Krystal lowered her head, tears still flowing freely. Taehyung gently wiped away her tears and held her until her sobs subsided. When she finally stopped crying, he offered her a warm smile and kissed her forehead tenderly.

"It's late now. You should get some rest," Krystal suggested, releasing herself from his embrace.

"Goodnight," Taehyung replied softly.

"Goodnight," Krystal echoed.

Krystal left the room and closed the door behind her. She headed downstairs to the living room, bringing her blanket and pillow with her. She arranged them on the sofa and settled down, deciding to sleep there. This way, if Taehyung were to leave during the night, she would be aware of it.

Krystal, exhausted from the recent events and sleepless nights, quickly succumbed to sleep. Unbeknownst to her, Taehyung remained wide awake. He felt restless, unable to find sleep himself. Eventually, he decided to go downstairs to the living room.

Looking at Krystal, who was peacefully asleep on the sofa, Taehyung couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility and concern for her. He gently lifted her in his arms and carried her upstairs to her room.

As he carefully placed her on the bed, he whispered softly, "I won't leave you. Sleep well."

Taehyung had managed to calm himself down and realized that he didn't want Krystal to worry anymore. Moreover, he didn't want to make things too easy for Taemin. He believed that it wouldn't be fair and too simple for Taemin to merely meet his end.

After tucking Krystal in and ensuring she was comfortable, Taehyung covered her with the blanket and turned off the bedroom light, leaving her to rest peacefully.

The following morning, Krystal awoke to find herself in her own bedroom. Her initial surprise prompted her to swiftly sit up and check her surroundings. Concerned that Taehyung might have ventured out to search for Taemin again, she hurriedly left her room, not even bothering to put on her slippers.

However, her apprehension was replaced by a delightful aroma as she descended the stairs. To her amazement, the table was laden with a beautifully prepared breakfast.

"You're awake? I went out to buy us some breakfast. You can freshen up while I finish setting the table," Taehyung cheerfully greeted her.

Krystal's eyes widened in disbelief. "You went out?"

Taehyung nodded, reassuring her, "But don't worry, I didn't go looking for him. I just wanted to get us breakfast."

With a relieved smile, Krystal headed upstairs to change her clothes, brush her teeth, and wash her face, grateful for Taehyung's thoughtfulness.

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