Chapter 49

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Y/N chuckled, teasing him, "I'm planning to eat them all by myself, okay?"

Jimin raised an eyebrow skeptically. "You think you can finish all of this? Considering your appetite?" He knew that more often than not, he'd be the one helping Y/N finish her meals. Even though her pregnancy had increased her food intake, she still didn't eat overly large portions.

Y/N shrugged playfully. "Is that so strange?" She began opening one of the boxes, ready to dig in. She handed another box to Jimin and left three for herself.

Jimin still seemed unsure as he accepted the box. "Well, just remember not to ask me to help you finish it later."

With a grin, she added, "Just watch me."

Y/N continued to eat her meal with enthusiasm while Jimin decided to head upstairs for a quick shower before joining her at the table.

As he descended the stairs after his shower, he was taken aback by the sight of two empty bowls on the table. Y/N had finished two servings already and was currently devouring the third.

Jimin couldn't hide his surprise as he moved the two empty bowls to the side and asked, "You finished these two?"

This was unusual for Y/N, who typically had a smaller appetite. Y/N nodded, her mouth still full, and managed to mumble, "I did say I was really hungry."

Jimin took a seat beside her and placed his bowl in front of her. "Eat mine too."

Y/N finished the last of her meal and, after a moment of consideration, shook her head. "No, I'm full."

Jimin raised an eyebrow, double-checking, "Really?"

Y/N nodded with a satisfied smile.

Jimin continued to watch her, his curiosity piqued. "But you didn't eat this much during your previous pregnancy. Is it because..." He gently touched her baby bump, a hint of excitement in his voice, "are they twins?"

Y/N chuckled and patted his hand affectionately. "Are you stupid? If it were twins, don't you think we would have found out during the checkup?"

Jimin nodded in agreement. "You're right. But why are you eating so much now?"

Y/N shrugged, an air of nonchalance about her. "Who knows? Maybe I'm just really hungry."

She then dismissed the topic and urged Jimin, "Come on, hurry up and eat your food. I'm going to take a shower."

As she started making her way upstairs, her phone rang, and she answered it. Upon hearing Lisa's excited voice, Y/N's curiosity was piqued. "No, I'm still awake. What's the good news?"

"Seulgi got caught by my uncle. She went home to pack her things, but my uncle's people blocked her at the door..." Lisa began.

Y/N interrupted with concern, "Where is she now?"

Lisa sighed, shaking her head. "I'm not sure. My people just watched as they took her away. I don't know where they're planning to take her. They're probably waiting for my uncle's instructions. Maybe she'll be sent back to Singapore. As for any consequences she might face, I can't say for sure. But one thing's certain, her days won't be easy. I've already sought revenge for you guys!"

Y/N smiled gratefully. "Thank you."

"No worries. Dealing with someone like that, we shouldn't show any mercy. Jimin oppa taught me that," Lisa reassured Y/N. She paused for a moment, her voice filled with a sense of accomplishment. "Second Lead is calling me to bed."

Y/N chuckled knowingly, "Well, you shouldn't keep him waiting then."

Lisa's laughter was hushed, carrying a hint of mischievousness, "He just finished his shower. Right now, he's waiting for me, all cozy and patient in bed."


Seulgi was flown to Singapore the following day, accompanied by Lisa's uncle, who had also returned to Singapore himself. The details of what transpired with Seulgi remained shrouded in mystery.

It was a sunny weekend, and Jimin saw it as an opportunity to take his wife and son out for some family fun. Just as they were preparing to leave, Uncle Wang arrived in a hurry, his face etched with concern. Y/N quickly requested a glass of water for him and urged him to sit down.

"Uncle Wang, what's the matter?" Y/N asked with worry in her eyes. "Please, take a seat and tell us."

Uncle Wang, however, declined the water and instead waved his hand, his voice heavy with distress. "Master, Mistress," he began, "this morning, when I visited Madame's tombstone, I discovered that it had been vandalized and smashed."

The shocking news left Y/N and Jimin exchanging concerned glances, their thoughts racing as they tried to make sense of this unexpected turn of events.

"What could have happened?" Y/N inquired, her concern deepening.


A/N: Something's definitely happening! Are you ready?

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