Chapter 10

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Jimin instructed Taehyung to drive to the Manobal residence to drop Lisa off. The atmosphere in the car remained somber as they made their way back to the hotel. They all needed some time to rest before attending the important business dinner later that evening.

Once at the hotel, Lisa wasted no time and headed straight to her room. She took a quick shower and began the process of getting ready for dinner. As she stood before the mirror, meticulously doing her hair and makeup, the maid who had been with her for years couldn't help but offer a compliment.

"Our Missy is truly stunning, and you only grow more beautiful with time," the maid said with a proud smile as she admired Lisa's reflection.

Lisa turned to face her, her lips curving into a playful pout. "I also think so. What should I do?"

The maid chuckled warmly. "There's nothing to be done, Missy. Beauty like yours simply shines on its own. Will you be having dinner with Mr. Kim?"

Lisa let out a weary sigh as her fingers gently brushed against the fabric of her dress. The mere mention of Kim Mingyu's name brought a shift in her expression. She despised the situation she found herself in, but the weight of her responsibilities and the importance of this business marriage left her with little choice. This union was not about love but rather a strategic move to solidify the positions of both families and strengthen their corporate empires.

Lisa's own parents had set a similar example. Their marriage had been solely for the benefit of their family business. Her father had never truly loved her mother; he had numerous affairs outside of their marriage but ensured that none of those women bore his child. He understood that the only legitimate heir could come from his legal wife. However, despite their efforts, they had been unable to conceive another child, and Lisa remained their sole offspring.

From the moment she was born, Lisa had lived under the weight of her father's expectations. She was groomed to be the perfect heir to one of the largest conglomerates in Asia. There were times when she longed to escape the burden placed upon her, but she understood the inevitability of her situation.

"The butler informed me that Mr. Kim has arrived, Miss," the servant announced.

Lisa took a moment to collect herself, arranging her belongings before descending the grand staircase. This evening was another step in fulfilling her role as the heir and a reminder of the sacrifices she had to make for her family and their empire.

Mingyu raised his eyes to meet hers, his gaze remaining as indifferent as ever. Lisa had taken great care in dressing up for the occasion, but he offered no compliments or acknowledgment of her efforts. It was a stark reminder that there was no place for her in his heart, and their engagement was purely a business arrangement.

As he extended his hand to hold hers, he finally spoke, though his words lacked the warmth she might have hoped for. "You look beautiful tonight."

Lisa responded with a playful tone, though her disappointment was evident. "Thank you, but I am beautiful all the time. Haven't you noticed at all?"

Mingyu's smile remained polite as he took her to an elegant restaurant. Lisa took in the romantic atmosphere, making an observation that caught him off guard. "I see you didn't book the whole restaurant for me."

His response was carefully measured. "We don't typically dine alone in a restaurant, do we?"

Lisa rested her chin on her hand, her tone teasing. "Let me guess, you take that girl to dinner like this, right?"

Mingyu's expression darkened at her remark, but he wasn't surprised that she had done her research. After all, they were to be married, and she wanted to know everything about him.

"Lisa, excessive arrogance isn't cute," he remarked.

Lisa flashed him a confident smile. "I am cute, but it depends on who's looking."

"Shall I ask them to leave?"

Lisa shook her head gently, dismissing the idea. "No," she replied. "Sometimes, having dinner like regular people can be quite nice, don't you think?"

Mingyu remained silent, opting to summon the waiter instead.

As they ate, an unending stream of calls kept Mingyu's phone busy. He continuously rejected incoming calls until a message notification appeared, causing a strange expression to cross his face.

Lisa, still unperturbed, continued her meal with elegance. She focused on cutting her steak, never once shifting her gaze toward Mingyu. Her words, however, were anything but indifferent. "There are a lot of reporters outside. I don't particularly care if you decide to flee, but I doubt your father would be pleased with that, don't you think?"

Mingyu knew she was right; leaving at this moment would only create more complications. He clenched his phone tightly but ultimately decided to stay.

Lisa, undisturbed by his internal turmoil, continued to savor her food. To her, Mingyu's issues were his alone, and she only hoped he wouldn't bring her any embarrassment. Yet, his phone persisted in ringing, with Mingyu declining all the calls but reading every message that arrived.

"If you find it difficult to bear, why not turn off your phone?" she suggested, her tone calm and collected. "You know what they say, 'out of sight, out of mind.'"

Mingyu stared at her momentarily before finally rising from his seat. "I apologize,"

Lisa let out a light, almost mocking chuckle. "Are you finally giving up and want to rush there? But let me tell you, Mingyu, if you leave this restaurant, you need to think about the consequences."

Mingyu's steps halted, his body swaying slightly as he turned his head to look back at Lisa. "She is pregnant, and she's not feeling well. I should go see her; I'll be back."

"Your girl is unwell, and yes, you should check on her. But we are getting married, and being married means we will have a family. Do you think I will allow you to have an illegitimate child outside?" Lisa spoke with unwavering composure.

Mingyu was taken aback. "Then what do you want?"

"Now go over there and order her to abort it. If not, we're done," Lisa declared calmly.


A/N: How are you liking the story? Do you like Lisa?

About the meme, I won't put meme at the end of the chapter anymore. Because my meme game isn't as strong, and I won't be adding mood board.

But I will put AI photos (if I can make/find one that suitable for the chapter).

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