Chapter 42

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Jungkook, however, had a different perspective, voicing his concern, "Y/N is pregnant now, and you shouldn't do anything that might make her feel nauseous again."

Lisa fell silent for a moment, then impulsively hugged his arm, teasingly remarking, "Second Lead, you've changed."

They eventually made their way to Jimin's house, where Lisa was eager to share the photos with Y/N and Jimin.

Jimin had just arrived home, the weariness etched on his face telling the tale of a long day, courtesy of a new project at work. The clock had ticked a bit later than usual, and the exhaustion weighed on him. His neck, burdened by the stresses of the day, protested in discomfort. Discarding any pretense of formality, he casually tossed his suit onto the sofa, the release of the pent-up tension evident in the motion.

With a sigh, Jimin proceeded to loosen his tie, a symbolic act of responsibilities that clung to him throughout the day. The cool air of home embraced him as he unbuttoned his collar, allowing the day's strains to dissipate gradually. It was a small act of liberation, transitioning from the professional facade to the comfort of his personal space.

As he slumped onto the sofa, a distant sob reached his ears, immediately jolting him out of his weariness. Fueled by concern, he practically sprinted towards the bedroom, his mind racing with worry over what might have befallen Y/N.

Upon entering the dimly lit bedroom, the only source of illumination being the soft glow from Y/N's laptop on her side, Jimin discovered her in a state of distress. She sat on the bed, tears streaming down her face as she buried it into the silk pillow. The sight tugged at Jimin's heartstrings, evoking a mix of panic and empathy.

In that moment, Jimin's exhaustion was momentarily forgotten, replaced by a surge of protective concern for Y/N. He turned on the light and without hesitation, he approached her gently, his voice filled with worry and care as he asked, "What happened, love? Why are you so upset?"

Sensing Jimin's presence, Y/N swiftly lifted her head to meet his gaze, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. Without uttering a word, she instinctively wrapped her arms around him, seeking comfort and solace in his embrace.

Jimin, momentarily taken aback by the intensity of Y/N's reaction, felt his worry deepen. Despite the concern etched on his face, he endeavored to remain calm, gently inquiring, "What happened, my love? Please, can you tell me?" His words were accompanied by the soothing motion of his hand, caressing her long, dark locks as an attempt to offer both physical and emotional reassurance.

Y/N, still overcome with emotion, continued to cry on Jimin's muscular chest, as if letting out the weight of her heart through her tears. "J-Jimin," she muttered his name in a tremulous voice, the vulnerability in her tone reflecting the depth of her distress.

Y/N, her eyes reflecting a mixture of sadness and fear, raised her tear-streaked face to look at Jimin with a plea in her eyes. "Jimin, please..." she sobbed before continuing in a shaky voice, "please promise me that nothing bad will ever happen to our daughter."

Confusion etched across Jimin's face, but his heart raced with worry at the depth of Y/N's distress. "Y/N? What are you talking about?" he inquired, his concern palpable.

Desperation filled Y/N's voice as she implored, "Promise me, Jimin, promise me." In response, she pressed her face back against his chest, tightening the embrace as if seeking solace and security. Her sobs intensified, echoing her profound fear of the unknown.

Attempting to soothe her, Jimin gently patted her back and caressed it. "Sstt, baby, it's alright. I'm here, and I won't let anything bad happen to our daughter." His comforting words aimed to reassure her, yet the concern in his eyes betrayed the uncertainty of the situation.

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