Chapter 44

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Jungkook quickly shifted the credit to Lisa with a modest smile. "It's all thanks to your guidance," he said, not wanting to take too much credit for himself.

Lisa responded with a humble yet playful expression that seemed to say, "No need to thank me too much."

Exiting the bustling banquet hall, they found themselves in a quieter back corridor. Lisa suddenly stopped in her tracks, tiptoed, and tenderly wrapped her arms around Jungkook's neck. Taking the initiative, she pressed her lips to his in a passionate kiss.

Jungkook was taken aback, caught off guard by Lisa's bold move. His ears reddened, but Lisa showed no intention of letting him go. Instead, she extended her tongue, deepening the kiss.

Though Jungkook had reservations about getting intimate in a public setting, he couldn't resist the allure of the moment. He gripped her waist firmly, reciprocating with equal intensity.

Their passionate exchange was interrupted by a soft cough, prompting them to slowly part from each other. Jungkook used his thumb to gently wipe Lisa's smeared lipstick, a lingering reminder of their passionate kiss.

Lisa couldn't help but find Jungkook's bashful expression incredibly appealing, especially with his ears flushed red. She was tempted to reach out and touch his ear, but before she could, he firmly grasped her hand and spoke up, "Alright, we should put a stop to this."

Lisa couldn't contain her laughter. "Your face is so red," she teased, "Is your ear burning up?"

"This is a public area; please control yourself."

Just as they turned their heads in response to the voice, they were surprised to see Kim Mingyu standing before them. "Kim Mingyu?"

Mingyu gazed at them both and offered a nod. Lisa, still slightly taken aback, asked, "Aren't you supposed to be in Singapore with your pregnant girlfriend? What are you doing here?"

Mingyu explained, "My father requested my presence at this banquet."

Lisa nodded in acknowledgment and said, "Well, then, help yourself."

Lisa spoke briefly before she tugged on Jungkook's arm and turned to leave. However, Mingyu called out her name once more.

Lisa furrowed her brows and glanced back, asking, "What is it?"

Mingyu hesitated before finally offering an apology, saying, "I haven't properly apologized for what happened. I'm sorry..."

Lisa appeared composed, her expression indifferent. "For what?" she inquired, her tone cool. "For impregnating another girl behind my back?" She continued, "No need, I suppose I should probably thank you."

She couldn't help but acknowledge that without his actions, she might not have been able to break off their engagement and be with Jungkook.

"Lisa, I..." Mingyu attempted to say more, but Lisa cut him off, stating firmly, "It's Ms. Manobal for you, Mr. Kim. We're not on familiar terms, so please address me accordingly."

Observing Lisa's endearing behavior in front of Jungkook, Mingyu was taken aback, never having seen this side of her before. It wasn't an act; she was genuinely cute, and it seemed to come naturally to her.

However, in Mingyu's experience, Lisa had always been rude and arrogant when they were together. Their conversations often revolved around business matters, as if they were characters in a television drama negotiating company benefits. Her laughter around him felt forced and insincere.

Mingyu had always thought of Lisa as anything but cute. Her father's rigorous training had made her appear stiff and unnatural. She exuded an intimidating power that made most men hesitant to even make eye contact with her. Furthermore, she was known for her strategic thinking, particularly in business matters.

Despite his reservations, Mingyu had felt compelled to pursue a relationship with Lisa due to their families' compatible backgrounds, which promised significant benefits for both sides.

However, witnessing this different side of her now, Mingyu realized he had been mistaken all along. Lisa was not at all what he had initially expected.

While they walked away, Lisa couldn't help but notice Jungkook's intense gaze fixed on her. She queried an eyebrow and teasingly inquired, "What's on your mind? Why are you studying me so closely? Planning to steal another kiss?"

Jungkook ran a hand through her hair and sighed in exasperation. "Lisa, please, try to keep your distance from Park Jimin, okay?"

Lisa raised an eyebrow, her suspicions piqued. "Why?" she asked, a knowing glint in her eye. "Is it because I was engaged to him? Are you feeling a bit jealous?"


A/N: Happy New Year! 🥂✨

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