Chapter 32

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Taehyung was taken aback by Jimin's unexpected question, but he didn't hesitate to respond with unwavering confidence. "Really," he affirmed, his conviction clear in his voice.

Jimin pressed further, seeking reassurance. "No matter what happens, you will continue to love her?" he inquired.

"Of course," Taehyung replied, although he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. It was unusual for Park Jimin to broach such a topic regarding Krystal, especially considering her recent strange behavior towards him. His curiosity got the best of him, and he decided to inquire further. "President Park, do you know something I don't?" Taehyung asked, hoping to gain some clarity.

Jimin chose not to divulge any additional information, maintaining his reserved demeanor. "I'm granting you half a day off. You can use it as you see fit," he offered, opting not to address Taehyung's question directly.

"Thank you, President Park," Taehyung expressed his gratitude before promptly leaving the office. He returned to his workspace to gather his belongings and grabbed his car keys, ready to depart.

It was a typical weekday, and Taehyung knew that Krystal would likely be at the dance studio. Lately, her communication had become increasingly brief and abrupt, often ending with her finding a reason to hang up the phone. Taehyung couldn't help but wonder if there was something more to her actions.

He felt a growing need to see Krystal in person, to ask her directly if Taemin was somehow blackmailing her, forcing her to hide and distance herself from him out of fear that he might get hurt. While Taehyung had previously declared that he wasn't afraid of Taemin, he also didn't want Krystal to endure any undue hardship. He understood that Taemin had a volatile temper and was capable of irrational actions, which was why he had reluctantly agreed to reduce their frequency of meetings.

In the past, their relationship had been characterized by frequent calls and a sense of happiness in each other's company. But lately, something had changed, and Taehyung was determined to uncover the root cause of Krystal's distress. He couldn't accept the fact that she was hiding from him, and he wanted to understand why.

In an effort to prevent Krystal from evading him once again, Taehyung decided not to inform her of his visit. He simply got into his car and drove straight to her office, determined to find her and get to the bottom of her recent behavior.

However, upon his arrival, he was met with disappointing news from her colleagues: Krystal hadn't shown up for work that day. This revelation left Taehyung even more perplexed. With Y/N having a scheduled pregnancy check-up, he knew she wouldn't be at the studio. So, where could Krystal be, and what was occupying her time?

Concern gnawed at Taehyung, and his anxiety grew. He couldn't shake the feeling that something might be wrong. Worried that she might be unwell, he decided to drive to her house to check on her.

Krystal's parents had retired some time ago and were currently traveling abroad, leaving the house empty. They had asked Taehyung to keep an eye on Krystal while they were away, which he took quite seriously. Finding no one at her house intensified his worry for her well-being, and he was anxious about her situation, fearing that there might be no one to care for her in this time of uncertainty.

Upon arriving at Krystal's house, Taehyung was taken aback to find Y/N there. Confusion furrowed his brows as he looked at her.

Y/N met Taehyung's gaze and explained, "Taehyung, why are you here?"

He replied, "I came to see her. Why are you both together?" Taehyung recalled that Y/N had a pregnancy check-up scheduled for today, and he was surprised to see them together.

Y/N quickly offered a plausible explanation, saying, "After the check-up, I asked Krystal out to stroll around," hoping to provide a convenient excuse.

Taehyung accepted the explanation with a nod, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss with Krystal. She hadn't said a word and seemed to be avoiding eye contact with him.

Before leaving, Y/N heard Krystal call her name, as Krystal didn't want to face Taehyung at that moment. Y/N understood Krystal's concerns, but she believed that they needed to confront their problems rather than continue to avoid them.

Taehyung's intuition had already alerted him that something was amiss, prompting him to take the initiative and seek her out. The more she evaded him, the more suspicious he became about her behavior.

After Y/N left in a taxi, Taehyung stepped closer, blocking Krystal's path. His voice held a mix of concern and frustration as he asked, "Are you avoiding me?"

Krystal hesitated before replying, "No."

Taehyung wasn't convinced and continued, "Don't lie to me. I know you. You are avoiding me, is it because of Taemin? What did he say? We can only meet rarely because I don't want to make things difficult for you. But could you not hang up my calls?" His questions were delivered with caution and a touch of vulnerability.


A/N: Do you like Taehyung with Krystal? Or do you prefer Krystal with Taemin?

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