Chapter 18

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Uncle Wang sighed deeply. "Indeed, it was strange. But based on the police investigation, it was ruled as a suicide. She was gone, and she wouldn't be in Taemin's life anymore, so Master and Madame didn't care about it further."

Jimin's mind was racing as he tried to piece together the puzzle. "So until now, nobody knows about Jae Kyung and Yoona?"

Uncle Wang shook his head. "Nobody. Master and Madame thought it was too shameful for the family. They ordered everyone who knew about this matter to hide it. We were forbidden to tell Taemin."

Uncle Wang's emotions were evident as he continued, "Master and Madame Park truly cared for and devoted themselves to Taemin. They hid everything well so he didn't have to bear the truth. I didn't expect that they were raising an ungrateful wretch!"

Jimin was silent for a moment, contemplating their next steps. "Uncle Wang, when you were investigating it, did you keep any evidence?"

"Evidence?" Uncle Wang frowned. "I don't have any, but I think Madame had them. She kept all the important documents in the Park residence, but we have no access to get inside now."

Seeing Uncle Wang's worried expression, Jimin placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder and smiled. "Don't worry, Uncle Wang. I will think of a way."

"Okay, Mister. You need to be careful. They kicked Mrs. Park and little Master out of the house two years ago, and it is still empty now. Taemin only took all of the keys but never moved in."

After leaving Uncle Wang's house, Jimin then called Taehyung before driving to his house to pick him up.

"So are we going to the Park residence to find the evidence that Grandma and Grandpa might have kept?" Taehyung asked as he got into the car.

Jimin nodded. Their quest for answers was taking them to unexpected places, and they were determined to uncover the truth about Taemin's past.

"How can we do it?" Taehyung asked, his brows furrowing in deep thought.

Jimin raised an eyebrow and fixed him with a sly gaze. "Shouldn't you be the one to think of a way?"

Taehyung fell silent, feeling the pressure to come up with a plan.

"It will take us half an hour to get to the Park residence. I will drive us there, so you have half an hour to think," Jimin said with a smile.

Taehyung knew they had a limited window of opportunity. As they continued their journey, he racked his brain, trying to figure out a way to access the Park residence. The mansion was undoubtedly well-secured, even though it was currently empty.

The house was equipped with a sophisticated security system, including alarms and surveillance. Breaking in would not be easy. Jimin must be aware of this, so Taehyung needed to come up with a clever plan that would bypass the security measures.

As the minutes ticked away, Taehyung's anxiety grew. He knew that time was running out, and they needed a foolproof plan to get inside without raising suspicions.

Jimin brought the car to a stop in front of the Park residence, turning to Taehyung with a composed demeanor amidst the brewing chaos. "We are here, have you thought of a way?"

Taehyung hesitated for a moment before admitting, "President Park, I can't think of a way."

Jimin stared at the grand mansion before them, his mind racing to come up with a plan. He leaned back in his seat, deep in thought.

"President Park," Taehyung began again.

"Do you have any matches?"

Jimin, who had been known to smoke while pondering in the past, had been making an effort to quit, especially in front of Y/N. He took the matches from Taehyung and lit a cigarette, all the while keeping his gaze locked on the Park residence.

"Taemin teamed up with Jae Kyung to tear the Park family apart two years ago," Jimin mused. "If Taemin found out that Yoona was one of Jae Kyung's mistresses, what would he think?"

Taehyung considered the question. "Based on his nature, he would make Jae Kyung suffer."

Jimin continued to smoke in silence as time ticked away. The sky gradually darkened, and then, abruptly, he tossed the cigarette out of the window.

"President Park, when will we get in?" Taehyung asked, growing impatient.

Jimin turned to him with a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Shouldn't it be your problem?"

Taehyung racked his brain for ideas. "What if you say that you want to take something you left?"

Jimin continued to regard him with a calm expression, not saying a word.

"Or what if I dress up as the guard and get inside to take it?" Taehyung suggested, grasping at straws.

Jimin shook his head, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Kim Taehyung, do I need to have you retake the IQ test? With your current IQ, I doubt you should be my assistant."

"Park Jimin!" Taehyung exclaimed in frustration.

Jimin's phone rang, saving Taehyung from further embarrassment. Jimin answered the call and then ended it, leaving them both in silence.

Taehyung's mind raced with questions. He wondered if Taemin, who technically owned the house now, had destroyed everything inside.

"Would Taemin already ruin all the things inside?" he pondered aloud.

Jimin, his thoughts focused on the task at hand, replied, "I'm not sure about it, would he?"

Jimin, his thoughts focused on the task at hand, replied, "I'm not sure about it, would he?"

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