Chapter 14

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Jungkook stammered in response, not expecting her to ask such a question. "P-pretty."

"But now my dress is crumpled because of you," she pouted.

Jungkook chuckled quietly to himself. 'She's cute,' he thought.

Their eyes remained fixed on the floor display as they neared the entrance lobby. "Second lead, are you ready?" Lisa asked.

She paused for a moment before adding, "No, you're the main lead now."

"My main lead."

The elevator doors opened, revealing a crowd of people in the lobby.

"Ms. Manobal, Mr. Jeon, there are a lot of people outside. What about using the back door, or I can take you to the basement?" the hotel manager offered.

"No need," Lisa replied, pointing at the manager. "You better check what happened last night and find the culprit. I expect an answer as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Ms. Manobal."

Finally, they reached the entrance door, and indeed, there were numerous reporters waiting. When they saw Lisa and Jungkook walking together, they were taken aback.

"Ms. Manobal, can you please tell me about your relationship with Mr. Jeon?"

"Mr. Jeon, you're publicly with someone else's fiancée at the hotel. Don't you think it's shameful?"

"Ms. Manobal, don't you feel ashamed of cheating on Mr. Kim?"

Jungkook shifted his gaze to the woman beside him. "Is it a problem to check in with my girlfriend?"

His unexpected response left everyone in shock.

"When did you start dating? Ms. Manobal, aren't you engaged to Mr. Kim? You had dinner with him last night," a reporter questioned.

Lisa smiled. "Since you know I had dinner with Mingyu last night, then you probably know that he left me in the restaurant, right?"

The reporters exchanged uncertain glances.

"We broke up with him last night; we are not engaged anymore."

"Ms. Manobal, what happened? Did you break up with Mr. Kim because of Mr. Jeon?"

"Mingyu has had a girlfriend, even before our engagement. But he hid it from me, and now his girlfriend is pregnant. Why would I want to be with a man like him?" Lisa sneered.

The reporters continued to ask questions, but Lisa and Jungkook ignored them. Lisa scanned the crowd and noticed two figures watching from the opposite side. She whispered to Jungkook, "Look, it's Seulgi and my uncle, right?"

Jungkook followed her gaze and nodded. "It should be."

Lisa grinned mischievously. "Why don't we smile wider? They must be so disappointed now, don't you think?"

Jungkook chuckled softly and complied.

Lisa signaled her bodyguards, who immediately moved forward to block the reporters, creating a path for Lisa and Jungkook to leave.

Seulgi and Lisa's uncle, who had been observing the situation, were shocked and frustrated. Seulgi had made sure it was Jimin's room, not Jungkook's. This unexpected turn of events had thrown a wrench in their plans.

"How did this happen? You said you had everything arranged perfectly! Why is it Jungkook and not Jimin?"

"Now how are we going to handle this? She can easily smooth things over with Jungkook. She even found a way to shift all the responsibility onto Mingyu!"

Seulgi clenched her fists. "We wanted the Kim family to break off the engagement, right? We achieved that goal."

Lisa's uncle glared at her. "The Jeon family is not weak! While they may not be as powerful as the Kim family, this is not the outcome I had in mind!"

Seulgi and Lisa's uncle had originally planned to seize everything Lisa owned, and Seulgi preferred their initial plan. Deep down, she harbored resentment toward Jimin and Y/N, feeling they had wronged her. She had been ecstatic when she heard about their divorce and separation, but now that they were back together, she couldn't accept it. She was determined to break them up.

If Jimin had come out of the hotel with Lisa instead of Jungkook, it would have been perfect for Seulgi. She believed that Y/N would definitely break up with him, and Jimin would be devastated. It would creating a sensational drama.

Seulgi's phone rang, and it was the hotel employee informing her about what had transpired the previous night. She hung up and turned to the man beside her. "Jimin went back to Seoul last night and gave his suite to Jungkook."

Now, Mingyu had broken up with Lisa, but the blame could easily be placed on Mingyu for his actions. The Kim family was unlikely to come after her.

Lisa's uncle anticipated that Taemin would call them soon and was prepared for his disappointment at the outcome.

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