Chapter 55

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After finishing her cooking, Y/N called Jimin to help serve the meal. She gently held Joon Min's hand and led him to wash his hands before eating. As she wiped his hands clean, Joon Min tugged at the corner of his shirt and whispered into her ear, "318."

Y/N's mind went blank, and her heart swelled with happiness. She had just witnessed Joon Min speaking!

"Joonie, did you just say something to me? Can you say it one more time, please?" she asked eagerly.

However, Joon Min remained silent and didn't repeat his words.

Excitedly, Y/N led Joon Min back to the dining room and shared the news with Jimin. "Jimin, Joonie just talked to me."

Jimin prodded further, "Did he say 318?"

Y/N was surprised. "How did you know?"

Jimin chuckled and playfully teased her, "Your math skills are really lacking, Y/N. Even Joonie couldn't bear to hear you give a wrong answer to such an easy question. No wonder he couldn't resist correcting you."

Y/N blushed in response. "Joonie, did you really say 318 to me?"

Joon Min nodded, his attention now on his soup as he silently continued his meal.

Y/N felt a bit dejected, but Jimin promptly pulled her to sit down and handed her a bowl of soup. He suggested, "In the future, you should make soups with pork brain. Perhaps it would help your brain."

He playfully pinched her cheek, and Y/N swatted his hand away. "Park Jimin, are you finished?"

She was harboring a bit of annoyance. Both father and son had teased her about her wrong answer. She had simply been nervous, and it had been a while since she had to do mental math.

Jimin finally relented and leaned in closer to her. "I'm not finished. Tonight, I'll let you rub it on you."

Y/N shot him a glare. "Keep dreaming!"

Jimin grinned mischievously. "What's the matter? Are you angry?"

Y/N huffed, "No."

Jimin chuckled. "There's no point in getting angry. You're just not great at math."

"Park Jimin!"

"Joonie can do third-grade mathematics and get the answer right, while you got the simplest question wrong," Jimin teased. "Aren't you ashamed? You used to teach Joonie, but what about mathematics? How can you teach him if you rely on your phone?"

Y/N couldn't hold back any longer. "I was nervous! If you dare to say anything more, then later tonight, you won't be sleeping in my bed."

Jimin raised his eyebrows. "Is that your bed? It's mine. You're just my girlfriend. The things inside this house are mine, not yours."

"Okay!" Y/N was infuriated. "Then I'll go back to my ma's house to sleep tonight."

Jimin quickly tried to ease the situation. He picked up a slice of beef and placed it in her bowl. "Come on, eat more. Don't be angry. If you go back home tonight, your mom will think we had a fight, and she'll worry. That's not good."

"I'm not fighting with you. You're discriminating against me."

Jimin looked serious. "How could that be? I just sympathize with you; I don't discriminate against you!"

After Y/N finished her bath, she passed by Jimin without acknowledging him. He put down his book and approached the bed, sitting down beside her and moving closer. "Wife," he said.

Y/N was still upset about his earlier remarks and didn't want to look at him. She replied, "Go away, who is your wife?"

"The one answering, she is my wife," Jimin retorted.

Y/N pulled her blanket up, ignoring him. Jimin continued, "How can we sleep so early? Before we sleep, we need to engage in some healthy activities, right?"

Y/N understood his implication but was now unwilling to talk to him. She wrapped herself tightly in the blanket, ignoring him.

Perhaps because Jimin was feeling a bit playful and didn't consider the situation, he acted a bit like a caveman, abruptly snatching the blanket away when he noticed Y/N ignoring him, and then tossing it aside.

Y/N was furious and bit her lip. She retaliated by kicking him and exclaiming, "Park Jimin, you're insane!"

Jimin, quick to respond, caught her ankle just in time, rendering her immobile. "If you weren't pregnant, I'd make sure you couldn't get out of bed for a week!"

Y/N, not holding back, attacked him with a pillow, venting her frustration. "Park Jimin, you are incorrigible. You're an incorrigible pervert!"

Jimin refrained from snatching her pillow, opting instead to gently press her down without exerting much force. He brought his nose close to her delicate tip of the nose and pleaded, "Are you still angry about that? Alright, I admit I was wrong. I confess my mistake, please forgive me, okay?"

Y/N responded with a cold snort and continued to ignore him. She was well aware that his admission of fault wasn't because he genuinely felt he was wrong, but rather a tactic to ensure she'd let him touch her. He was apologizing to satisfy his own desires.

"Please, don't disrupt my precious sleep!" Y/N retorted, turning away from him.

Jimin, however, wasn't ready to let her go. He hugged her and gently pressed her shoulder, reminding her, "Don't sleep in that position; it's not good for our daughter."

Y/N, irritated but now mindful of the baby, hastily repositioned herself. Just as she turned, Jimin seized the opportunity to hug her waist and plant a kiss on her lips.

Y/N's reaction was swift as she pushed against his chest, but Jimin remained undeterred, stealing a kiss from her.

Jimin couldn't help but grin. "Park Jimin, I know you can't control yourself!" Y/N scolded, glaring at him.

Jimin chuckled. "My wife really understands me well."

"I'm just your girlfriend," Y/N corrected.

"Then tomorrow, let's register our marriage," Jimin suggested, his tone sincere. "Look at your belly; it's getting bigger. I should give you a proper status. After that, we can plan a honeymoon."

Y/N waved her hand dismissively. "No need. You're quite busy nowadays, anyway. Let's wait until you have more free time."

"Does that mean you agree to register our marriage again?" Jimin asked.

Y/N nodded in agreement.

Jimin smiled and teased, "So it turns out you were just making a fuss to get me to register our marriage. You should have told me earlier; there was no need for this kind of method."



A/N: How do you like this chapter?

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