Chapter 37

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Y/N furrowed her brow. "What should we do then? And what was Taehyung thinking? He couldn't possibly have finished him off with just a fruit knife."

Jimin reassured her, saying, "Don't worry, I've already assigned one of my men to keep an eye on him. He'll report if anything unusual happens. Plus, Krystal should be able to persuade him not to pursue Taemin right now."

Y/N nodded, understanding the situation. "You had the same plan as Taehyung, didn't you?"

Jimin admitted, "Yes, at that time, I felt exactly like him. I thought that by killing Taemin, everything would be resolved," he paused, reflecting, "but once I calmed down and thought it through, I realized that killing him would be too easy for him."

He continued, his voice filled with intensity, "He should feel the torment he inflicted upon us, he should experience the pain."

Y/N fell silent for a moment before asking, "How is Grandma's case? Is there any progress?" She knew that Jimin had been actively investigating his grandmother's case recently.

Jimin sighed, a hint of frustration in his voice. "There's been no progress. We couldn't find any evidence indicating whether Taemin entered her room that night. Grandma was staying on the top floor that year, and the CCTV footage was deliberately tampered with by someone. It's likely that after Taemin did whatever he did, he ordered others to destroy the evidence, so we couldn't find anything."

Y/N frowned, trying to recall the events. "What about the young nurse who was there that year? She was considered a witness, right?"

Jimin shook his head. "She wasn't exactly an eyewitness. She knew I was in the hospital room and that I had an altercation with my dad, but she didn't witness the actual incident."

Y/N looked concerned. "And what about your dad? Couldn't he testify to your innocence?"

Jimin's expression darkened. "He left before I did, even before the incident occurred."

The case had reached a dead end. Despite Jimin's determination to reinvestigate it, there was simply no progress. The incident from that year had already been marked by insufficient evidence, which ultimately led to Jimin's release. However, now that he sought to revisit the case, he faced the daunting challenge of trying to find any concrete evidence that could prove Taemin's presence in Grandma's room that fateful night.

After Y/N and Jimin arrived home, the soft glow of the hallway light spilled into Joon Min's room, where he peacefully slept. Jimin gently draped a blanket over their slumbering son, planting a tender kiss on his forehead as a silent gesture of affection. Y/N dimmed the light in Joon Min's room before they quietly made their way to their own.

Once inside their bedroom, Jimin released a sigh of exhaustion, his fingers working to loosen his tie. The day's weight seemed to settle on his shoulders, the accumulated stress of unresolved issues and the constant battles they faced taking its toll. His suit found a temporary home on the sofa as he walked over, shedding the formal attire in favor of comfort.

With a heavy yet cathartic groan, Jimin collapsed onto the sofa, shutting his eyes momentarily. The room, now free from the constraints of the day, allowed them a moment of respite. Y/N, observing the weariness etched on Jimin's face, couldn't help but empathize with the burden he carried.

As he reclined on the sofa, Jimin spoke, his voice laden with the weariness of the day's struggles. "All these problems are giving me a headache," he confessed, his words carrying the weight of the challenges they faced.

Y/N, sensing his exhaustion, moved to sit beside him. Her fingers gently found their way to Jimin's waist, wrapping around him in an affectionate embrace. She nestled her head on his shoulder, finding comfort in the warmth of his presence.

The subtle scent of his cologne, a familiar and enticing aroma, enveloped her senses. Jimin always had a way of smelling captivating, a fragrance that uniquely belonged to him, and Y/N found herself utterly enamored by it.

Even after a long day out, when most people would lose the freshness of their scent, Jimin defied the odds. His natural, sweet, and masculine aroma lingered, creating an irresistible blend that captivated Y/N. It was a fragrance that spoke of his gentle nature yet carried an underlying strength, a balance that mirrored the complexities of his character.

Following her recent pregnancy, Y/N discovered an intensified need to be close to Jimin, making the mere thought of being apart from Jimin for even a brief span challenging. It puzzled her, as her previous pregnancy didn't evoke such intense feelings of clinginess and desperation.

Intrigued by the unexpected change in her emotions, Y/N reflected on the differences in her pregnancy cravings. During her first pregnancy with Joon Min, it was savory dishes that beckoned her taste buds, while the second pregnancy led to an appetite for spicy food. This time around, an insatiable craving for sweets dominated her culinary desires.

To satiate these newfound preferences, Y/N's days became a continuity of food deliveries, each order carefully selected to cater to her evolving cravings. With Jimin immersed in his work for extended hours, she found solace in the anticipation of food deliveries, a ritual that temporarily eased the yearning for his presence.

Not just stopping at meals, Y/N's fondness for pastries became a daily routine as she frequented bakeries, ensuring a delectable assortment awaited her during her visits to the studio. These sweet indulgences became not just a source of satisfaction for her taste buds but also a way to fill the void left by Jimin's absence.

Even as she embraces Jimin, her mind is incessantly preoccupied with thoughts of food.

Jimin's smile widened as Y/N initiated the hug. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, tenderly stroking her hair.

"I enjoy how attached you've become lately," Jimin chuckled happily, observing her affectionate demeanor in his arms. "Our little princess must adore her father, don't you, princess?" He cooed, gently caressing her belly.

Y/N beamed, lifting her head to meet his gaze before leaning in to plant a gentle kiss on the corner of his lips.

Jimin's smile broadened, appreciating this sweet gesture that Y/N often favored – a tender kiss on the corner of his lips. He found it utterly endearing and cute.

Y/N held onto him a bit tighter. "You smell amazing."

Jimin chuckled softly, reciprocating the embrace before placing a tender kiss on her forehead.

She inquired, lifting her head, "Is your head still hurting? Do you want me to give you a massage?"

Jimin looked at her, smirking with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Yes, would you like to help me with that massage?"

Y/N, sensing the mischief in Jimin's smirk, was skeptical, but she nodded anyway.

Jimin took her hand and guided her to sit on the carpet, positioning her right in front of him.

Y/N complied without resistance, oblivious to Jimin's hidden agenda.

His smirk widened as he observed her obedience. Seated on the sofa, he gazed down at her. Her innocent eyes looked up at him, still unaware of his intentions. Jimin couldn't resist caressing her cheek gently, savoring the moment.


A/N: Do you miss the moments between them? 👀

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